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POINT OF VIEW: Suck A Little Happy Juice

scott - happy juice

Hey all, It’s an amazing time in my writerly life. I’m starting to get some local press for “The River City Chronicles” (ok, so I begged and pleaded, but hey, whatever it takes, right?) – and I will do my first official bookstore reading and signing on October 4th at Time Tested Books in midtown Sacramento. (hint hint hint) You can sign up to go here: If you are in the Sacramento area, please sign up. I need to show the bookstore I have local support, so they will ask me back again. 🙂 At the same time, I … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: What’s Next?

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Hey all, As I work to finish the final book in the Liminal Sky series, I’ve been giving some thought to the question in today’s title – what’s next for me as a writer? I’ve done far more than I ever thought possible in this whole writing and publishing thing: Sold more than 20 stories (shorts, novellas and novels). Written not one but two series, to critical acclaim (and am wrapping up the last book now) Had a few certified Amazon bestsellers (albeit in smaller categories) Published my own works In the four years since I published my first short … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Roller Coaster and the Inner Critic

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Hey all, As anyone who knows me or follows this column knows, it’s been a wild month. It was just about a month ago that we discovered how much GDPR (the new EU privacy law) would require of us as a company, and how little time (3 weeks!!!) we had to accomplish it. It also landed squarely in the lead-up to the release of “The River City Chronicles,” my first self-published work. It also happened to be the month when I was due to finish writing Ithani, and one of my beta readers threw me a (much needed) curve ball … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Punch Drunk and Slap Happy

Sleepy Scott

I have to admit, I approached the prospect of writing today’s column with a bit of trepidation. It’s almost never a good idea to write sleepy. I spent a lot of yesterday afternoon and evening prepping my first book for self publication – “The River City Chronicles” should come out in about a month or so, date to be announced soon. Then I spent the rest of the night in bed obsessing over what I still had to do. You see, I have this condition called writer’s’s brain. In the clear morning light, it’s obvious that most of the stuff I … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Holy Sh!t Moment

Scott - Holy Sh!t Moment

Every novelist works a little differently. Some write books by the seat of their pants, riding the crazy writing train to wherever it takes them. Others make meticulous outlines before ever putting a word on the page, and know exactly where they’re going and how they will get there. I suspect that most of us are somewhere in the middle. Icertainly am. I start with a loose outline. I know how the plot will lay out, generally, and the steps along the way. But I also allow for that rarest of beasts – the “Holy Sh!t Moment (HSM).” It’s the … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: After the Fall

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Anyone who read my column last week knows how devastated I was to find out someone I used to be close to had been killed eight years ago, and I’d only just found out last week. I’ve spent the last week and a half processing this. I’m a writer – that’s what we do. Now I am starting to emerge on the far side. I want to thank my friends and family for rallying around me, and I want to acknowledge the pain of those who were much closer to Damon than I, and who lost so much more with … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: When Will It Click?

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Hey all I’ve now been back to writing seriously for about four years. In that time, I’ve gone from zero things published to sixteen published works – including two novels launching two separate sci fi series, and I just sold the sequel to the first one. I’m about to wrap up my online serial, “The River City Chronicles,” which I plan to release in book form in both English and Italian. And I have a bunch of other irons in the fire, including my second sequel and a group serial project. So when is it going to happen for me? … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: I Destroyed the Earth

Four Things

Hey all, I’ve recently noticed a clear change in the tone of my writing about the future. A few years ago, I had a pretty optimistic view of how things would go. The US and a bunch of other countries signed the Paris Accord on climate change, finally getting serious about what was happening to our planet, even if it was just a first step. Marriage equality became the law of the land here in the USA and in a number of other countries. And changing demographics meant the Republican Party and all its retrograde ways would soon become marginalized, … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Chocolate or Bust


Hey all… This week is all about writing motivation. 🙂 I have, give or take, about two and a half months to finish my next novel, at least to the first draft stage. It’s do-able, though it’s a month less than I thought I had originally – long story there. But what it means is that I have to sit my butt down in the chair every single day to write, and for a good, solid chunk of time. I am a master procrastinator. As a writer, that probably goes without saying LOL. I can put something off for days … Read more