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Point Of View: Getting Into My Writing Groove

Write Like the Wind

Every author has things they do to help them write and be more creative. Some of these are superstitions – like not changing their socks or underwear until a project is finished (and yes, that is disgusting). Others are habits – things they do on a regular basis to ensure they have time to get their writing done, like setting a particular time of day. Or waking up like a vampire in the dead of night. Some prefer rewards for writing – a chocolate covered Oreo for completing a scene, perhaps, or a trip to Krispy Kreme for a baker’s … Read more

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Point of View: A Writer Responds to Paris

Paris Flower

We all know about the terrible tragedy in Paris on Friday. It was more than a tragedy; it was an atrocity, because it was perpetrated intentionally by human hands. Jack McDevitt, one of my favorite sci fi authors, talks about how a man can come to do these things to another human being: These killers are equipped with brains, but obviously don’t use them. That’s not a trait that is limited to some branches of Islam. We’ve seen it in western culture, too. Not that it necessarily leads to homicide, but we have substantial numbers of people who have made … Read more

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My Top Five Excuses for Not Writing Today

scott and parsley

As writers, we all know time is not our friend. We have stories to tell, and they won’t get told if we spend all day figuring out reasons why we’re not yet ready to write. And yet about ten percent of my potential writing time goes to procrastination. So here, without further ado… hey, what the heck is an ado, anyhow? My top excuses for not writing today. 1) I Got So Much Writing Done Yesterday: So I had a great writing day yesterday. I actually exceeded my goal, so I’m way ahead of the game. I can afford to … Read more

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Point of View – A Full-Time Writer With Part-Time Time

Time selfie

If you’re a full-time writer, you may have so much time on your hands that you have a hard time finding enough stories to write to fill it. I do not have that problem. Stories swirl around in my head on spin cycle. They leak out in conversations, get themselves written down on napkins and bits of paper and note files on my mac and iphone and ipad. I have so many stories to tell, and so little time to tell them. You see, I’m a full-time writer with part-time time. Now I’m not complaining, exactly. I have a wonderful … Read more