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Point of View: Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Scott and Lana

Hey all, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different this week. I’m a strange and mysterious member of the human race, and there are a number of things you probably don’t know about me. Pictured: Me and my mom, circa 1982-83. So here it goes: 1) My First Book: My first fiction publication was the story “The Bear at the Bar”, published in 2014 by Dreamspinner in the “A Taste of Honey” anthology. But I was actually published originally in 1986 in the book “Raising Each Other,” a non-fiction title for teens and parents. 2) In … Read more

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Point of View: Juggling It All


Hi all, As I sit down to write this, I have a number of pressing issues vying for my attention. On the writing side, I’m launching my blog tour for “The Autumn Lands” today. My novel “Oberon” wants to be third drafted, but I am avoiding it like the plague until I nail down a few more bits and pieces of the science behind the story. I barely snuck by on “River City” this week – it was the first time my translator contacted me and said “where is it?” I’m pulling together an anthology project that shortly will need … Read more

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Point of View: Writing Serial Fiction

River City

About five months ago, I was at Rainbow Con, and attended a session with Alex Woolfson and Adam DeKraker of “The Young Protectors” fame. The Young Guardians, for those who aren’t familiar with it, is an LGBT superheroes comic. Alex and Adam put together a new page once a week and post it for free on Alex’s site: It’s a great concept – you get to read the whole thing for free, and then you get hooked and want a copy for yourself, which they will happily supply. It got me thinking. I had just launched my own blog, … Read more

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The Weekly Fix: Re-Life Part One

Hey all, Today’s the day for The Weekly Fix. Every Thursday, I’ll add a new scene or chapter of a free story, until the whole thing is here on the blog – and then I’ll add it to its own page on the site. It’s a great way for you to test drive my writing, for free! We’re starting the second story today – a four-part short story I wrote about a man who wakes up in s strange place. It’s called “Re-Life”. Hope you like it! Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four The taxi … Read more