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New Release: Earth 2100 Anthology

Earth 2100 Anthology

Other Worlds Ink has a new near-future sci-fi anthology out: Earth 2100. Earth on the Cusp of the Twenty-Second Century How the world has changed in the last seventy-six years. In 1948, scientists ran the first computer program, and “the Ultimate Car of the Future,” the futuristic, three wheeled Davis Divan, debuted. Since then, a succession of inventionsā€”the personal computer, the internet, the World Wide Web, smart phones and social mediaā€”have transformed every aspect of our lives. The next seventy-six years will change things too, in ways we can barely even begin to imagine. Culture, climate change, politics and technology … Read more

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Point of View: Drag Queens in Space

Drag Queen in Space - Deposit Photos composite

One of the most loathed questions among my writer friends, and the one asked by almost every interviewer, is “Where do you get your inspiration from?” This question comes in many forms: The honest-to-God short answer is that no one f@cking knows. Writer’s brains are a little like those mazes the white coated lab scientists train rats with – dark, twisty, and with a bit of rat fur (and quite possibly droppings) around almost every corner. Writer brains are like a complex piece of machinery handed to a two-year-old child, who shakes it up and down energetically and turns it … Read more

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NEW RELEASE: Tangents & Tachyons – J. Scott Coatsworth

Tangents & Tachyons - J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth has a new queer sci fi collection out: Tangents & Tachyons. And there’s a giveaway! Tangents & Tachyons is Scott’s second anthology – six sci fi and sci-fantasy shorts that run the gamut from time travel to hopepunk and retro spec fic: Eventide: Tanner Black awakes to find himself in his own study, staring out the window at the end of the Universe. But who brought him there, and why? Chinatown: Deryn lives in an old San Francisco department store with his girlfriend Gracie, and scrapes by with his talent as a dreamcaster for the Chinese overlords. But … Read more

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COVER REVEAL: Tangents & Tachyons – J. Scott Coatsworth

Tangents & Tachyons - J. Scott Coatsworth

I have a new queer sci fi collection coming out on December 10th, and am sharing the cover with you today:Ā Tangents & Tachyons. And there’s a giveaway too! Tangents & Tachyons is Scott’s second anthology – six sci fi and sci-fantasy shorts that run the gamut from time travel to hopepunk and retro spec fic: Eventide: Tanner Black awakes to find himself in his own study, staring out the window at the end of the Universe. But who brought him there, and why? Chinatown: Deryn lives in an old San Francisco department store with his girlfriend Gracie, and scrapes by … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Writing Short

Yellow pencil - Deposit Photos

For most of my life I considered myself a novel writer. Novels were my preferred reading length – I love getting lost in an epic story with lots of room to explore. Give me five-hundred pages, a thousand even, and let me roam in your world. And if it’s an epic series of 10+ books? I am so there, with reading glasses on. So it’s curious that I find myself writing lots of shorts these days too. Don’t get me wrong. I still LOVE novels (reading and writing them), and have two in progress with a third soon to be … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: All the Right Places: Short Stories by Wayne Goodman

All the Right Places - Wayne Goodman

Wayne Goodman has a new gay spec fic/romance/historical fiction short story collection out: ā€œAll the Right Places.ā€ “All the Right Places” is a collection of short stories, most written for submission to anthologies or collections. Starting in the near future and proceeding to the near past, men interact with other men in the pursuit of love and companionship. Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords | Goodreads Giveaway Wayne is giving away a $25 iTunes gift card with this tour ā€“ enter via Rafflecopter: a Rafflecopter giveaway Direct Link: Excerpt Gary had never seen the likes of the boy who just walked into … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Climbing the Walls of SFWA (And Unleashing My Secret Creativity)

Climbing - pixabay

I’m on a bit of an odyssey this year. I have always wanted to be a sci fi writer, and over the last five years, I have achieved that dream. In addition to my gay romance tales, I have published five sci fi novels, with a sixth due out in October. But one thing has eluded me. Most successful sci fi writers (and I use that term in the popular/financial sense) are members of SFWA (say it with me – “siff-wah”) – the Sci Fi Writer’s Association. But there’s a catch. To join, you have to either make at least … Read more

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My Latest Re-Releases


Hey all, So I’m about a third of the way through my initial batch of short story re-releases. šŸ™‚ All three are available on both Kindle and Kindle Unlimited – something I’m testing out with this batch of stories. Get ’em all now – just .99 each!: Tight Christopher woke with a splitting headache, from a night of drinking and trying to forget the loss of his husband Eric. Trying to block out the beautiful elfin man in his strange dreams. It was time for Christopher to take his first flight since Eric’s mysterious mid-air disappearance. But the stress of … Read more