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Point of View: OMFG, It’s Finished

River City

The day that I thought would NEVER come is finally here. One year and eleven months after I started it, the River City Chronicles is finally done. Well, the first arc, at least. I powered through the final four chapters last Wednesday, typing the last word just shy of 10:30 PM, which for me is like three in the morning. I’m old LOL… And because I’m such a tease, here are the last three lines for your enjoyment: There were two mugs sitting there, littered with bits of dried tea. He picked one up, savoring the lingering smell of vanilla. … Read more

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Point of View: Writing a Successful Serial


I’m about forty three chapters into “The River City Chronicles“, and am also part of the group serial tale “Marionettes in the Mist” over at Mischief Corner Books. I was just having a conversation with another QSF writer yesterday – someone who is about to embark on a serial project of his own. And it got me thinking – what have I learned in the process of doing two serial fiction projects? So here, in no particular order, is my accumulated wisdom on the subject. 😉 1) Keep Good Notes: This is by far the most important rule of writing … Read more

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We’re On the WROTE Podcast Again!

serial projects

Vance Bastian at WROTE is joined by Freddy MacKay, Toni Griffin, Angel Martinez, and myself in an awesome roundtable discussion about writing serial fiction. We define serial fiction, go over the aspects of planning, world building, and working collaboratively, and then Vance pokes at distribution possibilities. And we wrap it all up with the benefits of serial writing, and offer advice for content creators who want to work on serialized content. We also talk about our four (yes count ’em, four) ongoing serial projects by MCB members: Marionettes in the Mist Brimstone Journals On The Divide River City Chronicles So pop on … Read more

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Point of View: Writing Serial Fiction

River City

About five months ago, I was at Rainbow Con, and attended a session with Alex Woolfson and Adam DeKraker of “The Young Protectors” fame. The Young Guardians, for those who aren’t familiar with it, is an LGBT superheroes comic. Alex and Adam put together a new page once a week and post it for free on Alex’s site: It’s a great concept – you get to read the whole thing for free, and then you get hooked and want a copy for yourself, which they will happily supply. It got me thinking. I had just launched my own blog, … Read more