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Another Five Star Review for “The Autumn Lands”

Just got a fantastic review for “The Autumn Lands” (five stars) from Kara at Inked Rainbow Reads: To start of this review I have to say this world the author created in this book was amazing! The author explains everything that is happening in this world you really feel like you are there. Jerrith is on the run after being caught kissing Caspian. The moment these two men eyes meet they just knew they were meant for each other. I will just say I loved the way this author wrote these characters. Between the Dual POV’s which was awesome to … Read more

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First Review for “The Autumn Lands”

It’s release day, and the first review of my novella “The Autumn Lands” has rolled in – four stars! Thanks Diane! 🙂 The Autumn Lands surprised me, in a most delightful way. Too often fantasy goes off the rails with overly dramatic attention to detail and a propensity to rely on character, plot and narrative tropes to assist in grounding the reader when suspension of disbelief is critical for service to Story. Not so here—at least not at the beginning. The setting and the characters are sketched in just enough to draw the reader in without forcing furrowed brows trying … Read more

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Review: Artifice, by Alex Woolfson

Now I see what all the fuss is about. I just finished reading the graphic novel Artifice, by Alex Woolfson (illustrations by Winona Nelson). When we planned to attend Rainbow Con, Angel was all excited about the featured guest, some guy I’d never heard of. Turns out Alex had the table across from QSF in the dealer room – he’s a great, sweet, personable guy. I’m sorry it took me so long to review this, Alex! I planned to buy it at RC, but Mark dissuaded me – apparently because he wanted to surprise me for Christmas with a signed … Read more

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Point of View: What I’m Thankful For in 2015

Santa Scott

Hey all, It’s almost the end of the year, and I find myself getting a little somber and reflective. It’s been a good year–a year of changes, some of them difficult, and some of them extremely rewarding. Angel and I have started referring to it as “the year of the learning curve”. So for today’s Point of View column, I thought I would list some of the people and things from 2015 that I am thankful for. Please keep in mind that this is an incomplete list. I have many more blessings than I have time to recount in print. … Read more

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Autumn Lands Gets a 4.5 Star Review


Hey all, Another great review of “Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox” in general and “The Autumn Lands” in particular from Melanie Marshall: Jerrith is running. Kissed by an elf, he can’t remain in his hometown of Althos anymore. Not that he wanted to stay. Caspian still hasn’t figured out why he kissed Jerrith, but he’s running too. Since he was exiled from the Autumn Lands, his past has been hazy, and his future uncertain. But when a stray memory brings things into focus, the two decide to run toward something together. What they uncover will change how they see the … Read more

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A Rave Review for Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox

Hearts on Fire Reviews

Hey all, Just got our first review for TTTSE from Diane at Hearts on Fire- and she liked my story! Woo Hoo! Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox is the 6th anthology released by Mischief Corner Books. This time around, autumn was the theme for the stories and they include A Bear’s Bear: Smoky Mountain Bears 3 – the third installment of the bear shifter series by Toni Griffin; The Autumn Lands by J. Scott Coatsworth which is a story about fae and humans; Beside a Black Tarn: Brimstone 4 by Angel Martinez – Shax is back, along with his crew … Read more

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Great New Review for My Story Avalon

QSF Avalon

BA Brock has posted a great review of my story Avalon, and for the first issue of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly: A GREAT anthology, and the first volume of what I expect will be a successful quarterly magazine. The magazine features short LGBTQ+ works, and within that category, the genres are limitless. In this issue there was horror, literary fiction, humor, drama, and so much more. There was even art in the form of book covers, and interviews—something for everyone… Avalon by J. Scott Coatsworth. I’ve read nearly everything Coatsworth has written (I’m his number one fan, and I … Read more

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Five Star Review for “The Homecoming”!

Melanie Marshall Blog

Hey all… just got an amazing review for The Gomecoming from Melanie Marshall’s blog – thanks to Paul B.! An excerpt: This book clicks on just about every level. The heartbreak Aldiss feels at the loss of not only his home planet but his ex (even though he states there is nothing romantic between them anymore) is palpable. The hope of a new home world is quickly set back first by the crash landing and the dangers that caused but also with the troubles of Cat’s illness coming out of stasis. Add in the inter clan squabbles about what to … Read more

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New Review of Between the Lines…

Rainbow Book Reviews

From Lena Grey at Rainbow Book Reviews: This is a brief but well written love story about two men working in politics, but with different outlooks; for Sam it’s just an internship, but for Brad, it’s where his future lies, despite some of the party’s attitudes being in conflict with his beliefs. Brad is still idealistic enough to think he can make a difference, even though the Republican party’s ideals have shifted from governing and into bargains, bribes, and donations. The medallion is an excellent way to show Brad where he is in life, rather than where he hopes to … Read more