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Point of View: Adrift

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If you’re anything like Mark and I, you’re probably feeling a bit lost at sea right now. Our new Administration here in the US has turned everything upside down – black is White, Zelensky is Putin, and all the lies are now true. Or at least they will be once they finish beating us over the head with them. The weather here in Northern California is vacillating between super cold and rainy and too warm for February, suggesting a hot summer to come. I’ve now been looking for a job now for sixteen months. I interview, they love me, they … Read more

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Point of View: It’s Okay to Be Scared, But Let’s Flood the Zone Our Own Way

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I made it exactly one week with my pledge to take a break from my Point of View columns. But given all the recent events, I couldn’t stay silent. I needed to reach out and gather you all in my arms and tell you: It’s all right to be scared right now. I am scared shitless. The non-stop torrent of bad news, as Musk sticks his fingers into agency after agency, stuffing AI into their core coding and demolishing some of them singlehandedly with seemingly no recourse, is truly frightening to behold. And Trump’s non-stop attacks on his enemies, which … Read more

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Point of View: The Long Fall

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I grew up in the small desert city of Tucson, Arizona. When I was seven or eight, we moved out to the edge of town. And I mean waaay out. The nearest shipping center was at Orange Grove Road, a good 3-4 miles from our house. I still remember vividly the trip to the “microwave store” (yes, they actually had stores devoted to selling only microwave ovens) to buy one of these miraculous sci-fi devices for our home. Our brand new home was built in the virgin desert, in amongst the palo verde and mesquite trees and the occasional saguaro … Read more

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New Release / Giveaway: Conspiracy – M.D. Neu

Conspiracy - M.D. Neu

M.D. Neu has a new gay sci-fi book out, A New World book 3: Conspiracy. And there’s a giveaway. A little blue world, the third planet from the sun. It’s home to 7 billion people with all manner of faiths, beliefs and customs, divided by bigotry and misunderstanding, who have been told they are not alone in the universe. Anyone watching from the outside would pass by this fractured and tumultuous world, unless they had no other choice. It’s been a little over a year since Todd Landon’s life changed with the arrival of the Nentraee. Continuing his duties as … Read more

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Point of View: Taking a Stand


I’ve given a lot of thought to our current political environment and the state of this election. As a writer, I’m supposed to have this special “writer persona”. One that doesn’t alarm anyone, that doesn’t ruffle any feathers–one that focuses solely on the promotion of my work. I get that. Who hasn’t been disappointed to learn the political views of one of their artist heroes? I remember vividly how terrible I felt when I learned that Orson Scott Card, the sci fi writer who thrilled and amazed me with “Ender’s Game” and “Speaker for the Dead”, had literally called for … Read more