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Point Of View: Dogs & Puppies

keeshond - deposit photos

Last week, I asked my readers what they wanted me to talk about in this column, and got a wide variety of responses. I’m going to take them all seriously, even the first one: “More dogs and puppies.” Very well. Funkel Blue Sen, this one’s for you. I grew up in a “dog house” – in my family, we had dogs for as long as I can remember. While there was a husky and a samoyed in the mix at least once, most of these were keeshonds (pictured above – not one of ours). Keeshonds are sweet and super intelligent … Read more

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Point of View: Everyone Hurts

Depression - deposit photos

Everyone I know is hurting. There are still flashes of beauty and love and triumph all around me, even moments of great joy. But the whiff of depression, the sense of things having moved beyond our control, hangs over everything like a sulfurous smog. Many of our friends and family are facing health issues right now – some short-term, others more dire and in some cases life-threatening. Other friends are facing imminent eviction, or just can’t seem to find a steady place to stand. Friends who find that what was once a dream-come-true is now proving to be more of … Read more

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Point of View: The Delicate, Ever-Changing Art of Wordsmithery

steampunk typewriter - deposit photos

Today I thought I’d take you behind the scenes, to give you a sort of how the sausage is made look at my writing. Writing styles are constantly changing. Take a look back at the classics you read in high school – would any of those be published (without drastic revisions) today? Even the way we write fiction now, with all its accepted “traditions,” is very different than what folks wrote a couple decades ago. Take the common “said” dialogue tag. In the past, it was sprinkled liberally throughout manuscripts, and was considered to be invisible to the reader. It … Read more

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Point of View: Cords for Everything (or Why I hate Going Into the Garage)

cords from our garage

Warning: heavy-handed metaphor ahead. Nine and a half months ago, I had an accident that could have snapped my neck. My bike tires slipped on something on the pavement and sent me flying fifteen feet though the air to slam into the concrete sidewalk. As bad as it was – my orthopedic surgeon said the top of my femur looked like it “exploded” – it could have been far worse, and I am properly grateful that it wasn’t. Mark and I decided it was probably time for new bikes – something a little steadier and harder to tip over than … Read more

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Point of View: Rebuilding a Community After Pandemic

Green sprouts - deposit photos

Four years ago, we had a good thing going her in SacTown. Our local LGBTQ+ writer’s group – the Queer Sacramento Authors’ Collective – was almost fifty folks strong. We were doing readings at the Lavender Library four times a year, meeting in person for lunch every other month, and had an ambitious plan to put on Sacramento’s first book festival. And then Covid struck, and obliterated it all in an instant. The festival was cancelled. The readings were too, though we managed to continue them sporadically on Facebook Live, in videos that few watched. And we managed occasional zoom … Read more

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Point of View: Drag Queens in Space

Drag Queen in Space - Deposit Photos composite

One of the most loathed questions among my writer friends, and the one asked by almost every interviewer, is “Where do you get your inspiration from?” This question comes in many forms: The honest-to-God short answer is that no one f@cking knows. Writer’s brains are a little like those mazes the white coated lab scientists train rats with – dark, twisty, and with a bit of rat fur (and quite possibly droppings) around almost every corner. Writer brains are like a complex piece of machinery handed to a two-year-old child, who shakes it up and down energetically and turns it … Read more

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Other Worlds: The Origin Stories (or By Golly, We’re Almost There)

This is the last newsletter before my first novel release in almost two years. I am beyond thrilled to finally bring this series to you – I think it’s my best work to date. It takes so much work behind the scenes to get here – coming up with the concept, writing the story, rewriting the story, working it over with beta readers, finding the publisher, edits edits edits. And then the whole marketing machine – crafting a blog tour. Recruiting friends to help push the book. Buying ads for librarians and bookstores finding ARC readers/reviewers. Writing guest posts, interviews, … Read more

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Point of View: The Dragon Eater Teaser #6

The Last Run

Hey all… we’re just 10 days (and counting) away from my first major release in twenty months. I’m thrilled to bring The Dragon Eater (Tharassas Cycle Book 1) to you, thanks to Steven Radecki and Water Dragon Publishing. Each week I’ll share something special about the book and/or the series. In the first excerpt, you met Raven the thief (and titular Dragon Eater). In the second excerpt, I introduced Aik, Raven’s loyal friend (and inconveniently for a thief, part of the Gullton city Guard). In the third one, it was their friend Silya, an aspiring Hencha Queen who has a … Read more

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Point of View: The Dragon Eater: – Evolution of a Cover

The Dragon Eater final wrap

One of my favorite things is to share how a cover came about, and this one was really fun to put together. I say that, though I wasn’t the one who actually did it – that honor goes to Kelley York at Sleepy Fox Studio. Kelley’s a good friend, and a former almost-neighbor – she lived in the greater Sacramento area until a few years ago, and was a part of our Queer Sacramento Author’s Collective. Now she’s moved somewhere up north… Redding? Seattle? Nome? But we still keep in touch, and when I started discussing the cover design with … Read more