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Point of View: Total Immersion

Immersion - deposit photos

I love it when a story sucks me in, pulling me so far under that I actually forget the real word exists, and just an afternoon (or half the night) exploring an entirely different place. Such experiences of total immersion in a story seem to come more and more rarely for me. I’m not sure why – maybe because I tend to be more distracted when I read? Or maybe because many of the books I choose these days are more character driven, or tend to go light on the details of the world in which they take place? In … Read more

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Point of View: It’s the People

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It’s been a rough few months. We’ve recently lost a couple friends to cancer, and found out a couple more have it too. Other friends are fighting unknown maladies that have reduced their lives to misery. My Mac died, and was in the shop for two agonizing weeks before it finally came home. I broke my arm for the second time in October, and then Mark and I got a really bad cold in December. Facebook temporarily kicked me off, scaring me half to death. A great job I really wanted didn’t even bother giving me an interview, and I … Read more

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Point of View: New Sneaks In

Rat peeking through hole in cardboard - deposit photos

Every day is the same old boring routine. Then, good and tired, it’s off to bed, where I will then proceed to stare at the ceiling, tossing and turning, and generally being unable to actually, you know, sleep for at least two hours. Why I can fall asleep on the couch with the TV blaring and then not be able to in bed is one of the enduring mysteries for the ages. Nothing ever changes, Except… Yesterday, my aunt arrived from Southern California. She’s selling her house there and moving up here to be closer to us. And last year, … Read more

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Point of View: Grateful Amidst the Rubble

On paper, it’s been a fairly disastrous week. One of our dear friends is dying of cancer, and to watch him and his family going through this just breaks our hearts. On Saturday, my Mac – the one I use fourteen hours a day, seven days a week – gave up the ghost, deciding it wanted to reboot every 30-60 seconds. And Facebook suspended my account – apparently because their new AI bot thought I was “impersonating a business.” – and in an instant I came this close to losing a community that I have spent fifteen years building. That’s … Read more

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Point of View: Changing of the Guard

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Sometimes life’s events bring us an unexpected clarity, when a series of events combine to touch us in unexpected ways. Mark and I are at the age where we’re starting to lose people we care about – friends and family alike – many of them gone far too young. People with which we share a cultural lexicon, folks who grew up in the same world that we did and share our worldview. In the last three years alone, we’ve lost three beautiful souls, including a writer friend, a neighbor and big fan of my work, and a beautiful young woman … Read more

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Point of View: Holiday Wishes

holiday candle - deposit photos

With the holidays upon us, I thought I’d offer something a little different this week. Here are my holiday wishes. I wish for the fighting to come to an end, and for the world to find a way to start the difficult work of mending and rebuilding. I wish for the lonely to find a place where they belong, in this holiday season and beyond. I wish for a restoration of civility in my own country and around the world, a reminder that we can disagree without resorting to hateful rhetoric or violence. I wish for an end to the … Read more

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Point of View: Indie or Bust?

Yes I Can typewriter page - deposit photos

“Self publishing” has been around for a long time. Before the days of the internet (yes, I am that old), it used to mean using a “vanity press”—derogatory slang for a company that would print the books for you, and then leave a pallet of them on your doorstep. After that, the rest was up to you. Some of these companies would provide marketing and other services, often at an exorbitant cost, offering dubious value for the work. The enterprising self-published author would then schlep their book around to local bookstores, events, and anywhere else they might make a sale, … Read more

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Point of View: Something Old, Something new

model from Love & Limitations cover

Hey all… this week, I thought it would be fun to share a few excerpts from my fourth annual short story collection. This one’s entirely contemporary – four MM romances and one found-family tale. There’s something old (the four MM romance stories) and something new (The Boy in the Band) here for you to enjoy. Three of them take place around Christmas, and three have transgender characters. And just for kicks, I’ve thrown in the original source image for the cover above. 🙂 Here’s the final: If you’re so inclined, you can pre-order a copy here (all buy links). So … Read more

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Point of View: Holidays Past

Grandma and Granpa Coatsworth's House

The holidays are almost upon us. These days, they are so much different than they were when I was younger. I was a child and grandchuild of divorce, which did have some benefits. At one point, I had – and I counted them – 10 grandparents, and one year I had five different Christmas celebrations, with all the attendant presents. I cleaned up that year. The main event, though, was always at my grandparents’ house – my dad‘s parents. Grandpa John was a minister in the Disciples of Christ church. He was a good man – a bit closed off … Read more

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Point of View: Broken Again

broken arm

Well, I am broken again. For those of you who didn’t see the news on Facebook, I was riding my bike (yes, I know) and managed to run into a parked car. I still don’t know how I did it, other than to say that I glanced over my shoulder, and when I looked back, the car was there. I want to think that it was a magical car, and that it just appeared out of nowhere. But my friends have assured me that this was probably not the case. I managed to break my wrist, and it’s not clear … Read more