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Point of View: A Down Day

Scott Down Day

Sometimes you wake up feeling fresh and alive, newly attuned to the vibrations of the glorious universe, and ready to tackle the day and accomplish great things. This is not one of those days. Work is slow this month. I was harassed on Facebook by someone who took offense when I told them not to call me at 3 in the morning, at a phone number I had never given them. And life in general just seems a bit off the rails at the moment. I’ll get through it – I have a stubbornly optimistic personality. Throw me in a … Read more

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Point of View: Writing for the Blog Tour

Scott's Eureka Moment

One of the many ways we try to get the word out about our new books is the dreaded blog tour. Don’t get me wrong – it’s wonderful how other writers and blogegrs open up their online homes to us when we have something new to share. But then comes the downside – you gotta actually write all those posts. And if you’re a prolific blog traveler like me, those posts can easily number in the twenties or thirties. Sure, you could cookie-cutter it – just take the same post and send it out to each place, making a few … Read more

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Point of View: The Me Me Awards

Me Me Awards

Today the winners of the MM Romance Readers Choice Awards were announced. I want to give a hearty congratulations to everyone who won – this is your day. You buckled down and worked hard, and it’s a wonderful thing that you won the award. 🙂 However, I am not one of those people. Oh, I know, it’s an honor to be nominated, right? And yeah, it actually kind of is, because it means someone else thought highly enough of me and my work to put me up next to all of those other great authors. But for all of us … Read more

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Point of View: Third Draft Hell


Anyone who follows me regularly will know that I decided to do NaNoWriMo (the writing challenge where you try to knock out a 50k novel in 30 days) for the first time in November. I survived the challenge and wrote Oberon, the first part of a trilogy I’ve been knocking around in my head for about a year. A week later, I dived back in for second draft, and thought that I had managed to iron out most of the problems with the story. I was fairly confident that it all when I sent it off for a beta read. … Read more

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Point of View: How to Promo Yourself

I’m in the throes of planning my next blog tour for my forthcoming novella Autumn Lands, and I thought it would be a great time to talk about what I do to promote my work. And to ask what you all do, too. So here it goes: 1) Do The Blog Tour: This is a mainstay of author promotions, mainly because it can be done on the cheap and can *potentially* reach lots of people. Authors I know are divided on the impact of these tours, but I find that they foster community among the authors and blogs involved, even … Read more

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Point of View: And Now for the Edits…

scitt pulling out hair

Hey all… I just wrapped up the first draft of my latest work, The Autumn Lands, on Saturday night. And boy is it rough. Not rough trade rough. Nothing as sexy as that. Just… rough. I can only blame myself. I started the story out with a general idea of where it was going, a theme for the anthology (“fall”), and a snippet of a story I wrote maybe twenty years ago that I decided would “work” for this project. But I didn’t sit down to do even a rudimentary outline. I’ve been trying to force myself to take this … Read more