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Jamie Fessenden Delves Deep in “Violated”

Violated - Jamie Fessenden

Jamie Fessenden has a brand new work out today. Titled “Violated”, it delves deep into the psyche of a man who has been wounded by abuse, and how he heals afterward. Amazon Buy Link | Dreamspinner Buy Link – Save 35% What It’s About Derek Sawyer thinks he has it all—a high-salaried position, a boyfriend, a dog, even a new cabin on the lake—until a business trip with his manager and best friend, Victor, shatters his world. One night of drunken horsing around in their hotel room leads to the most intensely personal violation Derek has ever endured. As if the … Read more

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Another Blog Tour Stop…

Melanie Marshall

I stopped by Melanie Marshall‘s blog to answer a few questions yesterday, including: Are you a full-time writer? Oh, I wish. I have so many ideas I want to explore. But my husband Mark and I run our own little internet company, and that takes most of our time. I do try to sneak in an hour or hour and a half to write each day.

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Author Spotlight: Victoria Sue

Victoria Sue

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Victoria Sue, aka Sue Kellett, an amazing MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con and got along famously with. Thanks so much, Sue, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Victoria Sue: So far I have done mm contemporary, paranormal, and my current WIP is mm English regency historical (Think two Mr. Darcy’s – yum). I also have done and are doing m/f paranormal. … Read more

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Mischief Corner Books Quarterly V2 is Out – And I’m In It!

MCB Quarterly

It’s here, it’s here! I have a brand new story, “Translation”, in the new second edition of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly! Four great stories (and more) for just Four Bucks. You can find it at MCB here: And at Amazon here. Here’s an exclusive excerpt from my story: “Rico,” someone said, shaking his shoulder. “Rico, wake up.” “What?” Enrico said, turning over. He always slept naked, and as his eyes flickered open, he was surprised to see Dominic. He pulled the sheets up over himself, strangely self-conscious. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before. “I’m sorry,” Dominic said. … Read more

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Angel Martinez Reads from “Translation” in the MCB Quarterly

MCB Quarterly 2

It’s coming, it’s coming!!!! The MCB Quarterly’s summer edition will be out in a couple days, and I’ll be in it! I sent in a short story called “Translation”, my first set in NYC, about a copy writer who has it bad for his Italian boss. It was an opportunity to put a little of my Italian to work in a story – don’t worry, it’s not overwhelming at all if you don’t know the language. But it’s also a great little MM romance with a twist. I’ll say no more. Listen to the reading here (thanks Angel!): And … Read more

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Cover Reveal – Between the Lines

Between the Lines

OK, my second cover reveal – for my forthcoming novella from Dreamspinner Press. It’s called Between the Lines, and it’s a magical realism story about Brad, a gay man who works as a chief of staff for a state Senator, and Sam, his intern. Hope you like it. No pre-order link yet… will post that when I have it. –Scott