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Point of View: Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon Excerpt

Something a little different today. 🙂 I’m sharing an excerpt from Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon, a River City novella I wrote for the Love is a Drag anthology (note, will not be available on Amazon until release day, 3/28): Miz Fortune’s Lonely Hearts Salon Chester Carlson hit send on the email to the IRS, completing the last task of his day. Simple, easy, predictable. That’s how he liked it, and work these days hardly ever disappointed. He’d long since exhausted his idealistic youth, having moved on from wanting to make a difference in the world of finance to hoping to … Read more

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Point of View: Revisiting the Past

River City OG

Eight and a half years ago, in late September 2015, I started out on a new writing adventure. It was just three months after the now infamous Golden Escalator Ride, and the world still seemed mostly sane. I decided to write a blog serial tale – a circle of friends story about found family, with just a dash of magical realism. It spring-boarded off my novella Between the Lines, and featured a wide cast of Sacramento characters, patterned on people and places I know well here in the River City. The serial ran every week without fail for just under … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT: The River City Chronicles Audiobook – J. Scott Coatsworth

The River City Chronicles Audiobook - J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth’s LGBTQ+ magical realism “circle of friends” book The River City Chronicles is out in audiobook format! And there’s a giveaway. Everyone in the River City has a secret, and sooner or later secrets always come out. A group of strangers meets at Ragazzi, an Italian restaurant, for a cooking lesson that will change them all. They quickly become intertwined in each other’s lives, and a bit of magic touches each of them. Meet Dave, the consultant who lost his partner; Matteo and Diego, the couple who runs the restaurant; recently widowed Carmelina; Marcos, a web designer getting too old … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: The Demon in Business Class – Anthony Dobranski

The Demon in Business Class - Anthony Dobranski

Anthony Dobranski has a new urban fantasy book out: “The Demon in Business Class.” And there’s a giveaway: She can speak all languages. He can smell evil intent. They’re enemies. They crave each other. With secret magic, international settings, a conspiracy plot, and star-crossed lovers, The Demon in Business Class is a stylish modern fantasy spanning continents and genres. A shady executive hires Zarabeth Battrie to help start the next global war, giving her a demon that speaks all languages. But other people know more about her job than she does… A resolute investigator recruits Gabriel Archer to use his … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Escape From the Holidays Collection

Escape From the Holidays Collection

Escape from the Holidays Collection For the second year in a row, Mischief Corner Books is putting out a winter holiday collection – Escape from the Holidays – ten stories revolving around various December holidays: The end of year holidays can get overwhelming for anyone. Things to do. People to see. Last minute work obligations to take care of. Sometimes it’s just easier to escape from it all, running away from the responsibilities and expectations, or ignore the underlying disappointment from relatives who don’t see eye-to-eye with you. Because escaping the holiday grind can lead to new, unexpected paths, and … Read more

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FLASH RELEASE: The Bear at the Bar

The Bear at the Bar

A little surprise for y’all. I am starting to re-release my out of print stories, and my very first one is “The Bear at the Bar,” my first published work in the “A Taste of Honey” anthology. Ben Thomas plucked me out of obscurity and kick-started my authoring career. 🙂 Now you can get this story again as a stand-alone, with a new cover, for just .99 cents: Dex is a gay Adonis. When he walks into Seattle’s Ransom bar, heads turn. He can have just about anyone he wants, and he does, every night. Until he meets a bear … Read more

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Cover Reveal – Between the Lines

Between the Lines

OK, my second cover reveal – for my forthcoming novella from Dreamspinner Press. It’s called Between the Lines, and it’s a magical realism story about Brad, a gay man who works as a chief of staff for a state Senator, and Sam, his intern. Hope you like it. No pre-order link yet… will post that when I have it. –Scott