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I Get Interviewed!

M.D. Neu Interview

My friend Marvin Neu was kind enough to host me over at his blog for an interview: My first Author Interview of 2018. I’m pleased to welcome J. Scott Coastworth to my Scribble page. Welcome Scott. Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today. Thanks for having me. If you don’t mind, please give us a quick introduction of yourself? Well, I live in Sacramento, California, with my husband Mark of 26 years. We live in a small yellow bungalow in a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood about ten minutes outside of downtown. I have been writing since I … Read more

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I’m Featured at Gay Star News!!!

Gay Star News

The amazing folks at Gay Star News just featured me and QSF: Excited by the gay relationship included in the latest Star Trek series, I spoke with science fiction author J. Scott Coatsworth to dig a little deeper into why the genre of science fiction holds such appeal for a lot of LGBTI people. Coatsworth runs Queer Sci Fi with his husband Mark, a site that celebrates fiction that reflects queer reality. When did you first become interested in science fiction? When I was in second or third grade. My mom has always been a big sci-fi/fantasy nut, and a … Read more

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Asta Idonea

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Asta Idonea – Asta Idonea (aka Nicki J Markus) was born in England but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist, having studied several foreign languages. Thanks so much, Asta, for joining me! Giveaway One commenter to win an e-copy of my MM Sci-Fi novella Fire Up My Heart: J. Scott Coatsworth: If you were stuck … Read more

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Interview: Jon Keys, Obsidian Moons

Jon Keys

My dear friend Jon Keys just released the second book in his Obsidian series with Dreamspinner. He stopped by to hang out with me a bit for an interview: Today, Jon Keys: Hello, Scott! Thanks so much for having me visit on the release of my newest novel, Obsidian Moons. This is book number two of the Obsidian series. The trilogy has a unique mix of high fantasy magic, unique characters, and world building. The interview was great fun. You had me scratching my head a few times. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did. Thanks so … Read more

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“The Autumn Lands” – Blog Tour Redux

GGR review

Hey all… I recently saw that the GGR Review had a free spot coming up, and jumped at the chance: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time? LOL… I wish I had some. My husband and I run several directories for the LGBTIQ community, and I literally work from 5:30 in the morning to 9 PM at night, 6 days a week on that. So I had to carve out my writing time from that. But I do like to read, of course, when I can squeeze it in. And I also love … Read more