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Author Spotlight: Chris Gerrib

Chris Gerrib

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Chris Gerrib has wanted to be a writer since he was a child riding his bicycle to the library in the small Central Illinois town where he grew up. Since then he spent a tour in the US Navy, got an MBA, and now has a day job with a multi-national software company as a Project Manager. For fun, he plays golf, travels and is a voracious reader. He lives in the … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Katharina Gerlach

Author Spotlight: Katharina Gerlach

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Katharina Gerlach was born in Germany in 1968. She and her three younger brothers grew up in the middle of a forest in the heart of the Luneburgian Heather. After romping through the forest with imagination as her guide, the tomboy learned to read and disappeared into magical adventures, past times or eerie fairytale woods. She didn’t stop at reading. During her training as a landscape gardener, she wrote her first novel, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Andrea Stanet

Andrea Stanet

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Andrea Stanet’s fiction has appeared in several anthologies, an online literary magazine, the Nighlight Horror Podcast. She released her first independent novella, Spirit of the Wolf on Amazon in fall of 2022 followed by Umbra in spring 2023, the first novel in her Fey and Fate series. In collaboration with her husband, Andrea is developing role-playing game modules set in the Fey and Fate world. Lastly, she is wrapping up serialized short … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Joyce Reynolds-Ward has been called “the best writer I’ve never heard of” by one reviewer. Her work includes themes of high-stakes family and political conflict, digital sentience, personal agency and control, realistic strong women, and (whenever possible) horses, frequently in Pacific Northwest settings. She is the author of The Netwalk Sequence series, the Goddess’s Honor series, The Martiniere Legacy series, The People of the Martiniere Legacy series, and The Martiniere Multiverse series as well as standalones Beating the Apocalypse, Klone’s Stronghold and Alien Savvy. Samples … Read more

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Me – Interviewed!

Barbara G. Tarn Interview

I always interview other folks, but today we’re turning the tables. My friend Barbara G. Tarn has me over to her blog for an interview: Where do you live and write from? My husband Mark and I live in Sacramento. We’ve been here for seventeen years – we lived in the Bay Area for a long time, but I grew up in Tucson. Literally, though, I write at my desk in our shared office with a view of an ivy-covered wall and my container vegetable garden. Why do you write? Because I have to. I’m a writer, and I have … Read more

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Me! Interviewed!

Authors Interviewed

Fiona at Authors Interviews talks to moi about lots of things. A sample: Let’s get you introduced to everyone, shall we? Tell us your name. What is your age? J. Scott Coatsworth. I’m 51 this year, but still feel like I’m 39 LOL… Fiona: Where are you from? I was born in Southern California, but grew up in Tucson, Arizona. I moved back to CA in 1988, and now live with my husband Mark in Sacramento, in a little yellow 50’s bungalow with two pink flamingos out front. Fiona: A little about your self (ie, your education, family life, etc.). … Read more

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Justice Prevails

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Giveaway: Morticia is giving away an ebook copy of All Fired Up (Sin City Uniforms 1), Comment on this post for a chance to win. Today, Morticia Knight – Author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little hearts desire. I’m afraid Morticia couldn’t be here today, so … Read more

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MeansHappy interview

Woo hoo – check out the interview on the Means Happy site: I caught up with science fiction author J. Scott Coatsworth to dig a little deeper into why the genres of science fiction and fantasy appeal to a lot of LGBTQ readers. Coatsworth runs Queer Sci Fi with his husband Mark, a site that celebrates fiction that reflects queer reality. You’ve talked about Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy as being your introduction into the world of fantasy and science fiction. What was it about Frodo that particularly drew you to that character? When I started reading Lord of … Read more