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Anna Butler

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Anna Butler – Anna was a communications specialist for many years, working in various UK government departments on everything from marketing employment schemes to organizing conferences for 10,000 civil servants to running an internal TV service. These days, though, she is writing full time. Thanks so much, Anna, for joining me! Giveaway: Want to win some loot? Pre-order The Day of Wrath at a digital store (Amazon, Kobo, Nook etc) and send … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Elixir of Flight, by Alina Popescu

Elixir of Flight

QSFer Alina Popescu has a new MM sci fi book out: The truth always comes to light, no matter how old or dark the intergalactic veil of lies. When flyers Michael and Samandriel set out to find the elusive Ishtahr sanctuary, the truths they uncover about the origin of their race threaten the very foundation of the Intergalactic Alliance. If exposed, the alliance’s revered overseers might lose their rule over the galaxies and their ultimate military force, the flyers. Desperate to protect Adam, his lover, Michael will go against anyone who threatens the human’s life. Put into stasis by what … Read more

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Time Labs Inc., by L.V. Lloyd

Time Labs Inc.

My friend L.V. Lloyd has a new sci fi anthology out: TimeLabs Inc is a collection of six science fiction short stories, all with a romantic theme. Sam and Zak take a Time Tour for their honeymoon, visiting some of the events through time which have captured their interest, including the very first Olympics. A five-star time machine for transport, luxury meals, fine wines—what could be more perfect? TimeLabs Inc. Tom loved his master, his job and the wonderful society he lived in—until one day, somebody hacked his tattoo and his world changed forever. Tattoo Kel meets his first alien … Read more