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Point of View: “On your left.”

On Your Left

Everything seemed fine, until the bottom fell out. That’s what’s so hard about this. Or one of the things, at least. It seemed so sudden… like the ground we thought was firm underfoot suddenly gave way, leaving us scrambling to hold onto the crumbling edges over a yawning sink hole that had been eaten away in the Earth right below us. I was ready for Harris to win even bigger than the polls projected. There were many signs that her opponent had overplayed his hand, that he was in free-fall, that late-breaking voters were breaking for her. I was also … Read more

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Point of View: The Long Fall

Falling - Deposit Photos

I grew up in the small desert city of Tucson, Arizona. When I was seven or eight, we moved out to the edge of town. And I mean waaay out. The nearest shipping center was at Orange Grove Road, a good 3-4 miles from our house. I still remember vividly the trip to the “microwave store” (yes, they actually had stores devoted to selling only microwave ovens) to buy one of these miraculous sci-fi devices for our home. Our brand new home was built in the virgin desert, in amongst the palo verde and mesquite trees and the occasional saguaro … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: A More Perfect Union Anthology

A More Perfect Union Anthology

There’s a new voting-themed charity anthology out (four queer stories): “A More Perfect Union.” And there’s a giveaway! Includes stories from Adrienne Bell, Kilby Blades, Aliza Mann, Claire Marti, R.L. Merrill, M.D. Neu, Dawn Montgomery, Sera Taino and Kearney Wentworth. Love wins in this collection of nine all new, voting-themed romances. A set of bite-sized romance short stories with 100% of the proceeds benefiting Fair Fight, an organization dedicated to combatting voter suppression. From the campaign headquarters to the polls, A More Perfect Union features brand new stories from: Adrienne Bell Kilby Blades Aliza Mann Claire Marti R.L. Merrill M.D. … Read more

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Point of View: Keeping My Sanity


OK, it’s finally over after tomorrow. Far and away the worst and most personally damaging election of my lifetime is oozing ever so slowly toward its conclusion. That it was such a terrible, mentally and emotionally exhausting election for me this year can be laid squarely at the feet of one of the two candidates, who decided facts don’t matter and insults do. Suffice it to say I have voted for the other one, the one who will protect the interests of myself, my husband, our community at large, and the country. But this post is not about the election, … Read more