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Point of View: Finding the Cracks

cracks - deposit photos

It’s a time of mass destruction. The forces of chaos have been unleashed in our world, fighting wars, causing chaos on our social networks, and chewing away at the very foundations of the U.S. Government. It’s easy to fall into apathy in the face of all this, to conclude that all these things are way too big for any of us to comprehend, let alone do something about. This is part of the playbook – we are meant to feel overwhelmed, defeated, demoralized. But we are far from helpless. In the political sphere, the system (and the many people who … Read more

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Point of View: What We Have Left Behind

nostalgia / clocks / time - deposit photos

Last week, I took a look at some of the sci-fi gadgets, discoveries and trends that are propelling us into a sci-fi, and why they are more disappointing (and in some cases frightening) than I hoped they would be. Today I’m taking a deep dive in the opposite directory, remembering my past, and thinking about some of the things we have left behind. When I was a kid, there were basically three ways to listen to music. Radio, record album, and cassette tape (okay, 8-track was a thing too, but it was already fading by the time I arrived on … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Into the Unknown

rocket - pixabay

We’re on the cusp of great change. You can feel it in your bones. The old world order is rattling around like a bunch of dry bones in a box, and the world itself is splitting at the seams. In my own little writing world, things are being remade anew too. And in both, no one knows what form the new thing that’s coming will take. Writing at its heart is an act of both destruction and creation. As writers, we take something we know – the world around us – and break it down into its component parts, rending … Read more

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Point of View: Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction Scott

A week ago yesterday, I sent off my novel–well, one of them, at any rate. Woo hoo! Now I am wrestling with a short story that I want to extend to novella length. Two problems. One, part of my central premise for the story turns out to be unworkable. Apparently you can’t have a kid at a school with a gun without getting legions of police officers involved. Who knew? Probably anyone who watches any of the thousand and one police procedural shows on TV. *sigh* But there’s another problem too. The story is based on the idea that there … Read more