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Point of View: Bookstore Blues

blue books - deposit photos

I’m not going to write about politics today. I’ve beaten that dead horse so many times that its bones have turned to dust, which has become soil, which has grown grass that is feeding an entirely new generation of horses who will, someday soon, be dead enough to beat. Today I want to talk about bookstores. Okay, not about bookstores per se, which are amazing places full of ideas and adventures dreamed up by millions of authors from all around the world. Bookstores used to be a place of wonder for me. I’d ride my bike for an hour to … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Launching a New Thing

Liminal Fiction

I’ve always had my head in the stars. One of my early memories is when we went to our neighbor’s back yard to watch the lunar eclipse, and to stare in awe as the moon became blood red. As a kid, I wanted to be one of two things – an astronomer or an astronaut. Those dreams lasted into my teens, until I realized a) astronomy requires a helluva lot of math, not just staring at the heavens, and b) I wasn’t nearly enough of an athlete to be an astronaut. I hade a brief rekindling of hope when I … Read more