Hey all,
Rough week. LOL…
Not in a bad way, really. I celebrated my 49th birthday, and launched a brand new version of our gay weddings site that we’ve been working in for six months. But that project sucked all the air out of the room, and I’m just starting to recover this week.
It made me wonder… how do we, as writers, get back on track when life throws us a curve ball?
For me, it’s mostly a matter of grit and determination, and finding the time to write again. But there’s also the matter of getting your head back in the game. Where was the story going when you were so rudely interrupted by life? What happens next? How do you blend it all together?
So how do you deal with it? Do you make a point to write every day, even for just five minutes? How do you get yourself back on track after a derailment?