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POINT OF VIEW: Sometimes I Want It Sweet

sweet love - pixabay

I write all kinds of things. OK, basically three kinds of things:

–Sci Fi
–Contemporary Magical Realism

I am well-known for always wanting my contemporary to have a little extra something. The magical medallion in “Between the Lines”, the Freaky friday situation in “The Bear at the Bar”, and the sparkles in “River City”.

Even my holiday tales have been affected. “A New Year” features an elf from Faerie, and last year’s Christmas tale “Wonderland” had both zombies and a post-apocalyptic Earth.

But sometimes I just wanna go sweet.

So this year, for the first time, I’ve penned a holiday tale that has no zombies. No denizens of faerie. No wings. And absolutely no magic, except for the love kind.

“I Only Want to Be With You” is set in San Diego – it was fun using places I have visited in the story – and it was inspired by the Vanessa Williams song “Save the Best for Last. It’s one of eleven tales in the new Mischief Corner Books “A Holiday to Remember” line, and comes out on 12/27/17. To see all the books, click here (covers are coming soon for the last ones).

I hope having a sweet holiday tale from me doesn’t freak y’all out too much! 😛

For my fellow writers, Have you ever broken out of you usual genre ruts and try something new? How did it go?

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