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Point of View: “On your left.”

On Your Left

Everything seemed fine, until the bottom fell out. That’s what’s so hard about this. Or one of the things, at least. It seemed so sudden… like the ground we thought was firm underfoot suddenly gave way, leaving us scrambling to hold onto the crumbling edges over a yawning sink hole that had been eaten away in the Earth right below us. I was ready for Harris to win even bigger than the polls projected. There were many signs that her opponent had overplayed his hand, that he was in free-fall, that late-breaking voters were breaking for her. I was also … Read more

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Review: As The Hawk Cuts The Heavens – E.S. Wynn

As The Hawk Cuts The Heavens - E.S. Wynn

Genre: Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Bisexual Reviewer: H.L. Publisher |  Amazon | B&N About The Book The year is 2124. Earth’s first faster-than-light starship makes its maiden voyage into the unknown and disappears, only to be declared missing for the better part of two centuries. The ship’s historic first mission was supposed to be simple, just a test of the experimental displacement drive. The crew was supposed to spend seven days in the depths of space, then snap back to Earth to prove a concept, and nothing more. Instead, they find something impossible. They find something that draws them into a struggle against a horror … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Jurgen “JoJo” Appelo

Jurgen "JoJo" Appelo

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: As an author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Jurgen Appelo travels the world to share inspiring stories about people and organizations. Slightly anarchistic, autistic, and eccentric, he happily adopted the nickname “jojo” when it was given to him at the age of sixteen. He calls himself a creative networker, but sometimes he’s a writer, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, designer, manager, blogger, reader, dreamer, runner, freethinker, or … Dutch guy. He wrote several best-selling nonfiction books … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Twenty-Seven

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Sam comes back to Sacramento with his friend Oscar, and nothing is the same… < Read Chapter 26 | Read Chapter 28 Pt 1 > Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter Twenty-SevenBack in Sac The last … Read more

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Point of View: My Life is Still Political

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I originally wrote this column on the day after President Joe Biden exited the presidential race. At that time, we didn’t know yet that Kamala Harris would be the nominee. All we knew was that we’d been given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to change things, to shake up a race that until then seemed to be inevitably going in one direction. In the days that followed, Harris consolidated her support and jumped into the race with an agility, grace, and joy that few of us suspected she possessed. As the race progressed, she spread a message of optimism, while her opponents … Read more

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Review: Almond, Quartz and Finch – Lisa Bunker

Almond, Quartz and Finch - Lisa Bunker

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult LGBTQ+ Category: Asexual, Gay, Non-Binary, Transgender Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Publisher | Apple | B&N | About The Book The Nezel are refugee servants, toiling in a desert land where their culture is barely tolerated. Two friends, prowling through secret tunnels, uncover a villainous plot that places the Nezel in jeopardy. Almond and Quartz hatch a desperate plan to aid Finch, rightful heir to the throne. Even with the help of unexpected allies, their heroic efforts may not be enough—and the Time of Naming cannot be delayed. All adolescents must choose a gender and a new name for adulthood but … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Twenty-Six

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Dave comes clean about his diagnosis with Marcos and Marissa… < Read Chapter 25 | Read Chapter 27 > Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter Twenty-SixWet ADHD Marcos stared at the screen, scrolling through line after … Read more

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Cover Reveal: Chaos Kin – Sheryl R. Hayes

New Release: Chaos Kin - Sheryl R. Hayes

Sheryl R. Hayes has a new MMF paranormal book coming out (bi, poly), Jordan Abbey book 3, and we have the cover reveal: Chaos Kin. In the town of Rancho Robles, can one werewolf protect the Children of the Wolf and the Bat? Chaos Wolf Jordan Abbey has made friends among the Black Oak Pack even though she refuses to join it. The same can’t be said of the vampires, but her life has taken a turn for the better. That is until Enya Blevins, sister to the werewolf who turned Jordan, arrives in Rancho Robles. She wants to know … Read more

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Review: Golden Hills Haunting – M.D. Neu

Golden Hills Haunting - M.D. Neu

Genre: Paranormal, Horror LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Maryann Get It On Amazon About The Book After their daughter was bullied at school, Kyle and Alejandro decided to make a fresh start and move into a beautiful new cul-de-sac development. As they take up residence, the family enjoys seeing the community come to life.  But when lights flicker, shadows lurk, and small objects disappear, they begin to doubt their sanity. When Alejandro and many of their neighbors are struck down by a strange sickness that defies explanation, the family starts to question their recent life change. Feeling trapped they speak with … Read more

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New Release: Golden Hills Haunting – M.D. Neu

Golden Hills Haunting - M.D. Neu

M.D. Neu has a new gay horror book out: Golden Hills Haunting. After their daughter was bullied at school, Kyle and Alejandro decided to make a fresh start and move into a beautiful new cul-de-sac development. As they take up residence, the family enjoys seeing the community come to life. But when lights flicker, shadows lurk, and small objects disappear, they begin to doubt their sanity. When Alejandro and many of their neighbors are struck down by a strange sickness that defies explanation, the family starts to question their recent life change. Feeling trapped they speak with their new neighbors, … Read more