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POINT OF VIEW: Finding the Joy in Writing

Joy in Writing - Deposit Photos

Sometimes I forget that I got into this whole writing gig because I love writing. No, not just love it. Need it, like an addict needs his fix. I’m not happy if I’m not writing. And yet, lately, I’m not happy when I am, either. I blame a few things: My never-ending agent search, which brings me fresh, usually bland-and-devoid-of-meaning rejections every few days My “other job” workload, which keeps me from concentrating on my writing as much as I’d like to My current slog through the third novel in a trilogy, after having taken a wrong turn somewhere in … Read more

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Anna Kensing

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Anna Kensing – Anna Kensing writes steamy paranormal historical and contemporary romances that flirt with taboo. Her characters are often weird, mostly queer, and always get their happily-ever-after. Eventually. She’s obsessed with octopuses and the tv show Supernatural, listens to flute duets and heavy metal music while writing, and loves her scotch and Irish whiskies. When she’s not thinking about writing, she’s usually thinking about her next tattoo. Thanks so much, Anna, … Read more

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REVIEW: Herald – Lee Hunt

Herald - Lee Hunt

Genre: Fantasy Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Robert thought becoming a dynamicist would enable him to change the world, starting with saving all his friends from being slaughtered. He was wrong.  Acts of genuine creativity used to bring mortal punishment. But now, wizardry is dead and Robert, Koria and Eloise live in a world where change and invention is possible. Robert hopes that mathematically-framed dynamics will enable him to change the new world. But he keeps having prophetic dreams where his friends are all murdered by a mysterious cloaked man, and the grain protestors are more … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Herald Book/Audiobook – Lee Hunt

Herald - Lee Hunt

Lee Hunt has a new fantasy audiobook out in his Dynamicist Trilogy: Herald. And there’s a Giveaway! Robert thought becoming a dynamicist would enable him to change the world, starting with saving all his friends from being slaughtered. He was wrong. Acts of genuine creativity used to bring mortal punishment. But now, wizardry is dead and Robert, Koria and Eloise live in a world where change and invention is possible. Robert hopes that mathematically-framed dynamics will enable him to change the new world. But he keeps having prophetic dreams where his friends are all murdered by a mysterious cloaked man, … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Feeding My Writer Brain

Books on a Plate - Deposit Photos

It’s been forever since I sat down with a good book and just read the hell out of it. I’m a compulsive worker bee, and these last five years have not been kind to our business, requiring ever more of my time, focus, and energy just to try to keep things running with my husband Mark Reading is one of the things that had to go. There just wasn’t enough time. It’s funny. Writing a novel used to seem like such a daunting thing. Now reading one does. As writers, we feast on words. We absorb them from the world … Read more

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Charon Dunn & Sally Smith

Charon Dunn and Sally Smith

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Charon Dunn and Sally Smith: Charon Dunn has experience with a great many things, including deposition summaries, videogaming, forensics, databases, bunny rabbits, fortune telling, secretly sabotaging Oxford commas, multiple flavors of fandom and music. She lives with a massive Ragdoll named The Big Kahuna, whom some believe is the largest cat in San Francisco. Keep track of her at Sally Smith is an editor and writer (fiction and non-fiction) who has been … Read more

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Great new Dropnauts review!

Dropnauts review Anna Butler

The thing I always know I’m going to enjoy with any Scott Coatsworth novel is the worldbuilding because (i) it is my JAM and (ii) Scott is very good at it. Dropnauts is no exception. This is a well-realised, fully-fleshed world he has created here, of a destroyed Earth, thought unpopulated, and the attempt to reclaim and recolonise it from the Lunar colonies that are humanity’s last home. The devil’s in the details, and I just loved the way Scott builds pictures of Martinez base, and the Lunar city Redemption – particularly the latter… …the central themes of redemption and renewal shine … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Ice Soul Audio – Mary Rundle

Ice Soul audio - Mary Rundle

Mary Rundle has a new MM paranormal audiobook out in her Blackwood pack series: Ice Soul. And there’s a giveaway! The Blackwood Pack saga continues… This is part of a continuing series by Amazon International Bestselling Author, Mary Rundle – reading the previous titles is advised. Readers will enjoy catching up with members of the Blackwood Pack and reading about what is happening to them as the pack does what it does best ̶ caring for one another and helping shifters everywhere. Kieran was sold into slavery where he was forced to care for other prisoners held by a shifter trafficking … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Not Talking About Writing

Man Staring Out Window - Deposit Photos

I am NOT talking about writing today. I need a break from the rat race. From the publishing business. From the endless screaming into the void, and the emptiness it makes me feel inside. So instead, I’m going to talk about frappuccinos friends and freedom. Saturday was my Immunization Day (or Liberation Day, as one of my friends calls it) – two weeks after my second shot of the wondrous Pfizer elixir. There’s a strange sense of relief, this weird realization that I *can* go places, can do things again that I haven’t been allowed to do for fourteen months. … Read more

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Michael Scott Phillips

Michael Scott Phillips

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Michael Scott Phillips – I’m an author, graphic designer, and oil painter. Mainly, I write space opera, though I don’t feel bound by any particular genre and tend to write whatever idea thrills me. I also enjoy film photography, SF television shows, classic films, and developing alien languages and symbols—such as my semasiographic language, Astivian. My debut science fiction novel, When Morpheus Overslept, is due out in February 2021. It’s a space … Read more