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Lamplighter Gets Its First 5 Star Review!

Melissa at Paranormal Romance Guild just gave my brand new sci-fantasy short Lamplighter a five star review: This is a short story that is part of the Liminal Sky world. And it is fabulous. This quick read is the perfect dip into the world building skill of J Scott Coatsworth and his Liminal Sky series. From word one, you are yanked into the story and, somehow, in just a few sentences, you are immersed in what could be the end of the world. I really loved this little story. Get It On Amazon See the Full Review:  

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POINT OF VIEW: Choosing Person and Tense – Third Person

friends - deposit photos

Last week we talked about writing in first person. This week I thought I’d tackle the more common third person usage. Third person means using he/she/they etc pronouns – stories that describe the action from outside of the characters. It comes in three basic flavors: Third Person Omniscient: The most common of the three. Omniscient allows you to have multiple viewpoint characters, and an outside “omniscient” narrator who’s basically describing the story as it goes (you). This version of third person gives you the most freedom, as you can head hop (although doing so within a scene is strongly discouraged) … Read more

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Stephanie Lake

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Stephanie Lake – Stephanie Lake is the pen name for a husband/wife team (Stephanie and Lake) who enjoy writing happy endings and steamy middles. We write historical and contemporary LGBTQ+ and M/F romance. Inspiration for our stories comes from living in seven countries and traveling around the world. Wherever we wander, our beloved four-legged family member is not far away. Thanks so much, Stephanie (&) Lake, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: … Read more

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REVIEW: Any Job Will Do – John Wilker

Any Job Will Do - John Wilker

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Opera Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Jackson ”Jax” Caruso inherited a ship from his parents. They’re dead, they don’t need it. The unification wars happened a while ago, Jax’s parent’s fought for the losing side. Now he takes the jobs he can get; smuggling, bounty hunting, hauling cargo. If it pays, he’ll do it. When Jax is approached with a job that seems too good to be true, he should have known better, he should have walked. He didn’t. Now he and a few friends are in it deep; Imperial entanglements are the … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Choosing Person and tense – First Person

First Person / Me - Deposit Photos

When crafting a story, every writer has to make some key choices: What’s the genre? What’s the tone? How about the setting? Who are the characters, and what’s going to happen to them? How will they react? And will it all end? But there’s another choice we all make, consciously or unconsciously, that can have a huge impact on the story and how it’s perceived by the reader: Choosing the person you’ll tell your story in, and the tense. The vast majority of stories are told in third-person, simple past: Someone knocked on the door. Zippy the dingo went to … Read more

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Kerrie Noor

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kerrie Noor – Kerrie Noor was born in Melbourne Australia but has spent most of her adult life in Scotland. She has in the past been a regular on Community Radio, taught and performed Belly dancing, ‘done’ a little stand up, performed as a story teller and appeared at the Edinburgh Festival. She has had one radio script performed on BBC Scotland and has been short listed for the Ashram short story … Read more

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REVIEW: Futures, Friends, and Other Firsts – Amara Lynn

Futures, Friends, And Other Firsts - Amara Lynn

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Non-Binary Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Sallon Lee is quiet, shy, and has no friends. They have no idea what they want for their future on the space station in which they live. But they do know one thing: they have a huge crush on Ignis. The problem is, Ignis is so cool and popular, and has no idea who Sal is. Sal has no chance with him. Then a chance encounter throws the two of them together, and Sal finds themself forming a fast friendship with Ignis, thinking about their … Read more

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REVIEW: Shape Of Secrets – S.R. Cronin

Shape Of Secrets - S.R. Cronin

Genre: Sci-Fi, Near Future LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book You can’t outrun the past in this mystery adventure where things are not always as they appear Zane, a young man with the ability to change his appearance, is starting his first job at Penthes Pharmaceuticals. However, it’s not what he expects. Soon he is drawn into a world of corporate secrets and dangerous knowledge. The deceptions are only beginning. A sales trip to the South Pacific leaves Zane dealing with an unsolved murder, an unsavory boot camp manager, and new friends with abilities … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Giving Something Back

Giving Back

A few months ago, I was asked to give a little of my time as a writer for a good cause. A fellow author had fallen on hard times, and one of my other writer friends – Chisto Healy – had decided to do something about it. It was a simple ask, a short story for an anthology to help raise funds for the author who had fallen on hard times during the pandemic. And yet, I had a business to run with my husband Mark, novels to write, and the whole covid-19 to worry about. I put Chisto off, … Read more

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E.F. Schraeder

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, E.F. Schraeder – An admirer of strange wonders, sleights of hand, and carousels, E. F. Schraeder writes poetry and fiction that is often inspired by not quite real worlds. Thanks so much, E.F., for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? E.F. Schraeder: I usually write reality adjacent stories that involve elements of mystery and quiet horror. Almost all the fiction I write includes speculative elements, often … Read more