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Review: Shelf-Made Man – Kim Fielding

Shelf-Made Man - Kim Fielding

Genre: Fantasy, Holiday, Romance LGBTQ+ Category: Gay Amazon | Audible | B&N About The Book Tobias Lykke is big, awkward, and accustomed to spending his holidays alone. This year, however, his godmother—who may or may not be an Italian countess—gives him an elf doll originally entrusted to her by her second husband, who might or might not have been a wizard. An evening of THC snickerdoodles and an offhand wish later, Tobias finds himself faced with a living, breathing elf—and a royal elf at that—with an exceptionally traumatic past. Bloodthirsty trolls are on a mission to recapture Prince Alfie, and the search for answers … Read more

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Point of View: The Great Escape

Man staring at buildings made of books - deposit photos

I can’t bear it. I can’t let myself think too far ahead right now. I know the awful is coming, and for a few more precious weeks, I just want to bury my head in the sand like they say ostriches do (even though they don’t, really). So I’m looking for a few all-encompassing escapes. One of those is popular entertainment. Mark and I are binging the whole Ally McBeal series, which was from the late nineties and dealt with grand themes like misogyny in the workplace, which thankfully no longer exists (this is where I really need a sarcasm … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sean Ian O’Meidhir

Author Spotlight: Sean Ian O’Meidhir

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: I have been a mental health professional for 25+ years.  I have lived all over the country and am lucky enough to have landed in and near San Francisco, California, the absolute best place in the world to live!  I consider myself a hedonist and believe in living every day as if it were my last.  I hold no grudges and every person I love knows that I love them.  I am fueled by travel and … Read more

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Review: Upon Another Edge Broken – Anthony Eichenlaub

Upon Another Edge Broken – Anthony Eichenlaub

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Murder has found its way to the colony of Edge. Ash doesn’t want anything to do with tracking down a killer. She doesn’t want to delve into the anger and darkness that caused such a horrible event. It frightens her deep down into the core of her being. But. Well, it’s just that she’s curious. More so when she discovers the killer might not even be from Edge. Was this the murder of an innocent scientist, or an attack from a neighboring colony? Is this the culmination of … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Twenty-Eight Part Two

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Sam and his friends say their final goodbyes to Brad, Well, mostly… < Read Chapter 28 Pt One | Read Chapter 29 > Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter Twenty-Eight Part TwoRed-Tailed Hawk The car pulled … Read more

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Point of View: Living Small

living small - fingers with tiny bricks - deposit photos

I am living small. I have pulled my little world around me like a warm, comfortable blanket, snuggling into it on the rug by the fireplace, my eyes reflecting the bright sparkling of the flames. I have closed the blinds and locked the doors. A steady stream of music – songs I know and love – fills the room like the protective voices of angels. I am tending my garden, although the time for gardens should long since have passed. I am checking in on my loved ones, offering emotional care packages, hand holding, and shared remorse. I am spending … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Denise Tanaka

Denise Tanaka

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today: Denise B. Tanaka has a lifelong passion for writing stories of magical beings and faraway worlds. Her father inspired a love of art with his landscape paintings, portraits, and photography. Her mother inspired a love of books by reading aloud The Gingerbread Man and Mrs. Tittlemouse, so from a very young age Denise believed that cookies run away and mice can talk. She is sometimes sidetracked by nonfiction biography and true crime … Read more

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Serial: Down the River – Chapter Twenty-Eight Part One

Down the River Header

I’m finally revisiting the characters from The River City Chronicles nine years after their original timeline. I’ll be running the series weekly here on my blog, and then will release it in book form at the end of the run. Hope you enjoy catching up with all your faves and all their new secrets! Today, Sam is surprised by who’s waiting for him at Carmelina’s house… < Read Chapter 27 | Read Chapter 28 Pt 2 Join my email list to get my weekly newsletter with notifications of new chapters. Chapter Twenty-Eight Part OneRed-Tailed Hawk As the car turned the … Read more

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Review: Praxis – David Gerrold

Praxis - David Gerrold

Genre: Sci-Fi LGBTQ+ Category: Gay, Bi, Asexual Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book A lifetime in the Labor Corps—or colonize a new world. For Jamie and José, not much of a choice. But Praxis wouldn’t be easy. To survive there, you had to depend on each other. And that requires honesty that few possess. Praxis is a bold experiment in society building, a monosexual colony, with no promises of survival and no return trip. But it’s got potential. You just have to build a new civilization—on the other side of the universe. The Review They say that … Read more

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New Release: Feuds and Interludes – R.L. Merrill

Feuds and Interludes - R.L. Merrill

R.L. Merrill has a new MM contemporary rock ‘n’ roll romance out in the Road to Rocktoberfest series: Feuds and Interludes. From the award-winning author of Hurricane Reese, Summer of Hush, and You Can Do Magic comes a new rock star romance series inspired by legendary rock ‘n’ roll love affairs. Feuds and Interludes is a rivals-to-lovers, hurt/comfort love story complete with adorable septuagenarian lovebirds and beloved characters from Merrill’s previous rock-inspired series. Boone Collins and Shane Butler are two of rock music’s brightest stars today. Their grandfathers founded a powerhouse rock supergroup that ruled the airwaves in the late … Read more