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Stuff We Like #60: Elizabeth Coatsworth

It’s my turn over at the MCB blog to talk about something I like. Today I chose something rather special: I have long wanted to be a published author. My family has a few of us – my brother Whit Honea has written a successful parenting book, and my grandmother Joyce Peterson was a prolific playwright, writing for the children at her church that she loved. But there are no other Coatsworth authors that I know of. But there once was. There are not many Coatsworths in the world, truth be told. It’s a fairly rare name, one that passed … Read more

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Andrew Q. Gordon Invites me to Stop By His Blog

Andrew Q. Gordon's Blog

One of my LGBT sci fi idols, Andrew Q Gordon, has me up at his blog today as part of my blog tour for “The Autumn Lands”. I am thrilled to be there. 🙂 WHAT IS “THE AUTUMN LANDS” ABOUT? Hmmm… that’s a tough one. It’s about a place where it’s always fall. And it’s about a young man coming to terms with his sexuality. And it’s about an elf with a past that he can’t remember. And there’s a twist. In my stories, there’s almost always a twist. See the full post here

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“The Autumn Lands” Visits Anna Butler’s Blog

Yoday my “The Autumn Lands” blog tour stopped by Anna Butler’s blog, Love That’s Out of This World: Write a story about fall… It sounds easy, right? But I never do anything easy. I could have written a happy little contemporary piece about a love that blossoms amidst the autumn leaves. Or a straightforward metaphor about a man entering the autumn of his life. But I like things that twist and turn. Stories that confound expectations. So instead I wrote The Autumn Lands, a story that’s a hybrid of a bunch of different things… The book can be ordered (3.99 … Read more

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Today’s Blog Tour Stop for The Autumn Lands

Today I’m stopping by Elizabeth Noble’s blog for one of my favorite stops this tour – talking about how the cover came together, done by the amazing cover designer Catherine Dair. I LOVE working with an artist on the cover for a new book. It’s your chance as an author to see your work through someone else’s eyes, made real. I’ve been through the process three times now, and it’s been fun every time (at least for me; I’ve probably sent at least one cover designer away screaming). This time around, I was working with the talented Catherine Dair. She … Read more

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Another Five Star Review for “The Autumn Lands”

Just got a fantastic review for “The Autumn Lands” (five stars) from Kara at Inked Rainbow Reads: To start of this review I have to say this world the author created in this book was amazing! The author explains everything that is happening in this world you really feel like you are there. Jerrith is on the run after being caught kissing Caspian. The moment these two men eyes meet they just knew they were meant for each other. I will just say I loved the way this author wrote these characters. Between the Dual POV’s which was awesome to … Read more

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Point of View: Writing for the Blog Tour

Scott's Eureka Moment

One of the many ways we try to get the word out about our new books is the dreaded blog tour. Don’t get me wrong – it’s wonderful how other writers and blogegrs open up their online homes to us when we have something new to share. But then comes the downside – you gotta actually write all those posts. And if you’re a prolific blog traveler like me, those posts can easily number in the twenties or thirties. Sure, you could cookie-cutter it – just take the same post and send it out to each place, making a few … Read more

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Today’s Blog Tour Stop for The Autumn Lands

Cate Ashwood

Today I’m stopping by Cate Ashwood’s blog to answer some interview questions – Thanks Cate! How do you think your writing has developed since you started? Oh, it’s gotten much better. I first started writing when I was in fourth or fifth grade. I wrote on and off until my early twenties, when I finished my first novel. When it and five or ten short stories were all rejected, I kind of lost momentum, and though I tried to come back to it several times, it never really stuck. Somehow, though, I had this idea in the back of my … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Andrew Demcak

Andrew Demcak

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Andrew Demcak – Andrew Demcak is an award-winning poet and novelist whose work has been widely published and anthologized both in print and on-line, and whose books have been featured by The American Library Association, The Lambda Literary Foundation, Verse Daily, The Best American Poetry blog, The Nervous Breakdown, and Poets/Artists. He has an M.F.A. from St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. He is currently Senior Librarian at Oakland Public Library. He … Read more