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WROTE – The Evolution of One Author’s Journey

Hey all. SA “Baz” Collins here. When Scott asked me to guest blog on his site I was immediately intrigued. In the short time I’ve come to know Scott and his works I’ve been nothing short of impressed at the sheer volume of work he does in queer storytelling (writing novels being just one aspect). So what to write about? I pondered talking about my current work (Angels of Mercy – which has a new release coming out at the end of September) that dives into homophobia in competitive sports (in this case American high school football). And while a … Read more

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Great New Review for The Homecoming

Just got a great review for The Homecoming from Mike Bode: “It’s a short book, and the pacing is brisk. Coatsworth never lingers too long on any one scene or topic and has an admirable talent for description. It’s a good read for a long afternoon with an engaging bread crumb trail of clues to lead you to a satisfying explanation for the story.” Woo hoo!!!

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Point of View: Six Steps to Becoming a Better Beta Reader

Hey all, Welcome to my weekly rumination on all things writing. 🙂 This week, I’m in the midst of beta reading several works for an anthology I’m involved in. I’ve only been beta reading for a year or so, though I was critiquing stories long before that. But it got me thinking. What are the things you need to do to be a great beta reader? Here are my thoughts: 1) Ask the Author What They Want: This is the most important, because it sets the ground rules. Some authors want just a high level storyline critique – does the … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Lexi Ander

Lexi Ander

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Lexi Ander – we hung out a bit at Rainbow Con and Lexi is awesome. :). Thanks so much, Lexi, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Lexi Ander: Hummm, I would to say my writing style is evolving. How I wrote when I first started is different from how I write today. I guess you can say I’m a work in progress. JSC: What was … Read more

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The Weekly Fix: Re-Life Part Two


Hey all, Today’s the day for The Weekly Fix. Every Thursday, I’ll add a new scene or chapter of a free story, until the whole thing is here on the blog – and then I’ll add it to its own page on the site. It’s a great way for you to test drive my writing, for free! Here’s the second scene from my second story – a four-part short story I wrote about a man who wakes up in s strange place. It’s called “Re-Life”. Hope you like it! Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four … Read more

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Great New Review for My Story Avalon

QSF Avalon

BA Brock has posted a great review of my story Avalon, and for the first issue of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly: A GREAT anthology, and the first volume of what I expect will be a successful quarterly magazine. The magazine features short LGBTQ+ works, and within that category, the genres are limitless. In this issue there was horror, literary fiction, humor, drama, and so much more. There was even art in the form of book covers, and interviews—something for everyone… Avalon by J. Scott Coatsworth. I’ve read nearly everything Coatsworth has written (I’m his number one fan, and I … Read more

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Point of View – A Full-Time Writer With Part-Time Time

Time selfie

If you’re a full-time writer, you may have so much time on your hands that you have a hard time finding enough stories to write to fill it. I do not have that problem. Stories swirl around in my head on spin cycle. They leak out in conversations, get themselves written down on napkins and bits of paper and note files on my mac and iphone and ipad. I have so many stories to tell, and so little time to tell them. You see, I’m a full-time writer with part-time time. Now I’m not complaining, exactly. I have a wonderful … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sarah Madison

Sarah Madison

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Sarah Madison, one of my Rainbow Con buddies. :). Thanks so much, Sarah, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Sarah Madison: I don’t know that I have a style! I’d probably be better off if I did. ☺ I’ve written in so many different genres: sci-fi, paranormal, mystery, historical, contemporary… I wish I could write a straightforward contemporary romance, but I always have to give … Read more

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The Weekly Fix: Re-Life Part One

Hey all, Today’s the day for The Weekly Fix. Every Thursday, I’ll add a new scene or chapter of a free story, until the whole thing is here on the blog – and then I’ll add it to its own page on the site. It’s a great way for you to test drive my writing, for free! We’re starting the second story today – a four-part short story I wrote about a man who wakes up in s strange place. It’s called “Re-Life”. Hope you like it! Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four The taxi … Read more