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Author Spotlight: A. Catherine Noon

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, A. Catherine Noon – For author and textile artist A. Catherine Noon, it’s all about the yarn, both metaphorical and literal – spinning a yarn, knitting with yarn, weaving, sewing, painting, sharing stories and good times over a cup of coffee with dark chocolate. She teaches creative writing, creative expression and textile arts. Thanks so much, Catherine, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and … Read more

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Repetition – Coming in April

Hey all, I have a new short story coming out in the MCB Quarterly next month: Davis plays with people’s lives, changing timelines like other men change clothes. But he always keeps his own timeline out of it by remembering his mantra: You’re not God. Never mess with your own past. Remember, you’re not God. But this time things are different – his new client is a man from Davis’s own past who wants to go back into the closet. Things are bound to get messy. Excerpt “Sure, it’s unorthodox. Past-pathing’s always a dicey proposition.” Davis twisted the phone cord … Read more

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Point of View: So We’re Going to Kansas City


“I’m going to Kansas City.” It’s something I never thought I would say. But here we are. Mark and I are heading to KC for GayRomLit in October – an MM romance conference that’s being held this year in the heart of the country. We got here through the back door. Late last year, we took a look at Angel’s wonderful LGBT friendly Cons list on the QSF site. Some of my writing friends cautioned against it. “It’s really hard to get in as an author. And you don’t want to go unless you get to be a named author … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Matthew Buscemi

Matt Buscemi

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Matt Buscemi – Matthew Buscemi is a speculative fiction author and founder of Fuzzy Hedgehog Press. He grew up in Illinois, but left to explore the world. He has taught English in Japan and Thailand, and has studied linguistics in Hawaii. Nowadays he lives with his partner in Seattle, Washington, where he types code by day and prose by night. He dreams of exploring the multiverse himself, but until humanity gets around … Read more

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Point of View: When it All Comes Together

Today’s a momentous day for me. This morning, the Campfire Podcast launched the first chapter of my story “The Autumn Lands” – for the next two weeks, the story will unfold, day by day, on Vance’s fantastic chapter-a-day podcast: It almost didn’t happen. Back in the late summer, my friends at Mischief Corner Books asked if I’d like to submit a story for their planned Fall-themed anthology. I was in the middle of a couple other projects at the time, and wasn’t sure I would have time to do it. But I looked through my stable of old stories … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Albert Nothlit

Albert Nothlit

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Albert Nothlit – Albert Nothlit wanted to become a writer long before he realized it was his way of connecting with others. There is something special in reaching out through words that carry a piece of his soul, and there is nothing better for him than hearing back from readers. It turns the product of what can be a very individual-centered profession into a shared experience, a chance to talk, to grow, … Read more

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The Campfire Podcast Reads “The Autumn Lands” Starting Monday!

Just four more days until Vance at the Campfire Podcast starts in on my story “The Autumn Lands” for his serial podcast – basically a chapter a day for two weeks. And there’s even better news. You can get your eBook copy at a 20% discount now – read along, or come back to it later to fill in the details you might have missed while listening on the web. Just go to: and use code ALCPP20 to get the discount. Woo Hoo! Hope you enjoy the podcast. Vance is an amazing narrator. 🙂