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“The Autumn Lands” – Blog Tour Redux

GGR review

Hey all… I recently saw that the GGR Review had a free spot coming up, and jumped at the chance: What are your hobbies, what do you like to do in your spare time? LOL… I wish I had some. My husband and I run several directories for the LGBTIQ community, and I literally work from 5:30 in the morning to 9 PM at night, 6 days a week on that. So I had to carve out my writing time from that. But I do like to read, of course, when I can squeeze it in. And I also love … Read more

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Point of View: Getting Happily Sidetracked

Shiny Thing

OK, so I am knee-deep (or maybe neck-deep) in third drafts for Oberon, my NaNoWriMo sci fi project, prior to sending it out for submission. So what have I spent this last week doing? Writing an entirely new and unrelated project, of course. This is how writer brains work. You have to be at least a little ADD to be one – and often it’s the allure of the next shiny new thing which leads you on to the next story. So what is this new story I speak of? I found out that a friend of mine had submitted … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Cassie Sweet

Cassie Sweet

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Cassie Sweet – Cassie Sweet lives and works from her along the St. John’s River in sunny Florida, where she shares space with her over-affectionate Golden Retriever, Lily and an artist husband, Dave. Her writing takes her to many destinations, both real and imagined. Thanks so much, Cassie, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and when did you discover that you were good at … Read more

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Welcoming Elizabeth Noble to My Blog

Gone Away

My friend Elizabeth Noble is stopping by my blog today for her new book Gone Away, book four of her Circles series: Mason Arquette isn’t one for mincing words. In fact, he often rubs people the wrong way—with the exception of Riece Burrell. Riece came with his own set of social issues, but he saw right through Mason’s tough exterior, and they made a perfect couple. Or so Mason thought… until Riece abruptly ended their relationship without much explanation. Years later, Mason and Riece are thrown back together. As a US Forestry Service photographer, Riece is sent on assignment to … Read more

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Point of View: The Cover Design Process

I am stealing this column from my blog tour stop at Elizabeth Noble’s Emotion in Motion blog. It was one of my favorites on the tour, and so I wanted to share it directly with y’all as well: ​I LOVE working with an artist on the cover for a new book. It’s your chance as an author to see your work through someone else’s eyes, made real. I’ve been through the process three times now, and it’s been fun every time (at least for me; I’ve probably sent at least one cover designer away screaming). This time around, I was … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Steven Harper

Steven Harper

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Steven Harper – Steven Harper Piziks was born with a name that no one can reliably spell or pronounce, so he often writes under the pen name Steven Harper. He lives in Michigan with his family. When not at the keyboard, he plays the folk harp, fiddles with video games, and pretends he doesn’t talk to the household cats. In the past, he’s held jobs as a reporter, theater producer, secretary, and … Read more

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“The Autumn Lands” Blog Tour Stops at Jessie G’s Blog

Jessie G.

One of my last blog tour stops is with the fabulous Jessie G: Thanks, Jessie, for having me on your blog. I’ve only been writing this time around for about two years now. I say this time around because I made a go of being an author some twenty five years ago. I wrote a novel in my early twenties, and sent it out to ten publishers. I was sure it would be snapped up and my career as a writer would be assured. A month went by, then two, and then the rejections began trickling in. One, then two … Read more

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Stuff We Like #60: Elizabeth Coatsworth

It’s my turn over at the MCB blog to talk about something I like. Today I chose something rather special: I have long wanted to be a published author. My family has a few of us – my brother Whit Honea has written a successful parenting book, and my grandmother Joyce Peterson was a prolific playwright, writing for the children at her church that she loved. But there are no other Coatsworth authors that I know of. But there once was. There are not many Coatsworths in the world, truth be told. It’s a fairly rare name, one that passed … Read more

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Andrew Q. Gordon Invites me to Stop By His Blog

Andrew Q. Gordon's Blog

One of my LGBT sci fi idols, Andrew Q Gordon, has me up at his blog today as part of my blog tour for “The Autumn Lands”. I am thrilled to be there. 🙂 WHAT IS “THE AUTUMN LANDS” ABOUT? Hmmm… that’s a tough one. It’s about a place where it’s always fall. And it’s about a young man coming to terms with his sexuality. And it’s about an elf with a past that he can’t remember. And there’s a twist. In my stories, there’s almost always a twist. See the full post here