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And the Myths Untold: Faery Blog Tour Gets Rolling

“Myths Untold: Faery” launched this morning, including my new story “Through the Veil“. And along with it, the blog tour is in full swing. 🙂 Over at Melanie Marshall’s Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words, all four authors are talking about how we write: How do you write – are you a plotter or pantser, or both? Skye Hegyes: I’m a bit of both. With short stories and some of the novellas I’ve worked on, I can take a vague idea and run with it, writing it without planning too much. That said, novels are another story. I recently tried pantsing a … Read more

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It’s Double Release Day!

Myths Untold: Faery

When it rains, it pours. Today I have not just one but two new stories releasing. The first is my short story – Repetition – coming out in the MCB Quarterly from Mischief Corner Books: Davis plays with people’s lives, changing timelines like other men change clothes. But he always keeps his own timeline out of it by remembering his mantra: You’re not God. Never mess with your own past. Remember, you’re not God. But this time things are different – his new client is a man from Davis’s own past who wants to go back into the closet. Things … Read more

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Point of View: Here We Go Again


I am riding the crazy train again. In just two more days, I have not one but two new stories coming out – “Through the Veil” in the anthology “Myths Untold – Faery” and my story “Repetition” in the spring “MCB Quarterly”. So I am no longer an author – I am now J. Scott Coatsworth, master promoter of the works of the obscure author of the same name. Promotion is a totally different skill set from writing. As an author, we can hide away in our writer caves and forget to shower, burrowing down the rabbit hole after our … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Tam Ames

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Tam Ames – Tam Ames is a Canadian currently living in the Middle East for her job and enjoying no snow in the winters. She has a daughter attending university and except for the day-job, is footloose and fancy free. It was the encouragement and dares of some friends that inspired her to start writing m/m romance, and she’s grateful for their continued support. Her current day-job makes writing m/m stories a … Read more

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Great Review for “The Autumn Lands” From Hearts on Fire

Thanks to Diane at Hearts on Fire for a great review of “The Autumn Lands”: “…There are so many wonderful details to this story and the characters… this is a fantasy adventure story, a love story, a story of healing and hope and I highly recommend it for fans of fantasy and romance. This is the first story I’ve read by J. Scott Coatsworth, although I have since tracked down his books and started following his blog story and look forward to reading more of his work.” *blush* Read the whole thing here:

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Point of View: A Down Day

Scott Down Day

Sometimes you wake up feeling fresh and alive, newly attuned to the vibrations of the glorious universe, and ready to tackle the day and accomplish great things. This is not one of those days. Work is slow this month. I was harassed on Facebook by someone who took offense when I told them not to call me at 3 in the morning, at a phone number I had never given them. And life in general just seems a bit off the rails at the moment. I’ll get through it – I have a stubbornly optimistic personality. Throw me in a … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Theo Fenraven

Theo Fenraven

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Theo Fenraven – Theo Fenraven lives in south Florida, where it is really hot much of the year. Thanks so much, Theo, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and when did you discover that you were good at it? Theo Fenraven: I knew I wanted to write as soon as I understood what the word write meant. As for being good at it…. I’ve … Read more

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Announcement: Beneath the Surface, M.A. Church

Beneath the Surface

TITLE: Beneath The Surface AUTHOR: M.A. Church PUBLISHER: OmniLit / All Romance eBooks, LLC COVER ARTIST: Erin Dameron-Hill LENGTH: 37,000 words RELEASE DATE: April 01, 2016 BLURB: A whole different world exists beneath the surface. The last thing Nisha expects while patrolling his territory is to find his mate, but his instincts tell him the handsome human diving into the surf is the one meant for him. Two bites and Kannon will be joined to him forever. But when Kannon’s father disrupts the mating process, Nisha releases his claim, hoping beyond hope his mate will one day return. While free … Read more