As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Novels These are all of my currently available novels, sorted by series. Stand-Alone BooksDropnautsThe River City ChroniclesSeries: Liminal Sky: Ariadne CycleThe Stark DivideThe Rising TideThe Shoreless SeaSeries: Liminal Sky: Oberon CycleSkythaneLanderIthaniSeries: Tharassas CycleThe Gauntlet RunnerThe Dragon EaterThe Death BringerThe Hencha Queen Please leave this field emptyJoin My Newsletter List, Get a Free Book! First name Email * Privacy * By clicking here, you agree to our terms and privacy policy Newsletter Consent * Yes, add me to your author newsletter/special offer list. No, I do not want to be added to your newsletter/special offer list. Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription.