Karenna Colcroft has a new MM paranormal romance out, Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat book 3: Hummus on Rye.
A six-year-old human child, who recently moved with his single father into the heart of the Boston North Packâs territory, is missingâand Alpha Tobias Rogan has been framed for kidnapping the boy. Meanwhile, a new pack member with a traumatic past has drawn Saul Hughes, the rogue Alpha with a grudge against Tobias, to Boston.
Kyle Slidell, Tobiasâs mate, spots Saul and realizes he must be behind the childâs kidnapping. But Saul has retained his powers and uses them to erase his presence from the minds of all of the other Boston wolves. Only Kyle, with his unusual immunity to compulsion, is able to remember seeing the rogue.
To protect his mate and save the little boy, Kyle will violate shifter law and ignore direct orders from the ruler of the Northeast Region werewolves. But will he survive the fallout?
Warnings: mention of sexual assault in characters’ pasts
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I JOLTED awake at about two in the morning, not immediately certain what had awakened me. Not a scream this time, thank goodness. I rolled toward Tobias, hoping that he might be awake too. We could either cuddle the way he liked or work up some exertion that would hopefully put me back to sleep.
He wasnât there.
âTobias?â I spoke just loudly enough for him to hear if he was in the apartment. He didnât answer.
Where are you? I asked, tapping into our mate bond to communicate with him mind-to-mind.
He still didnât answer, but at least I sensed him at the other end of our connection. He wasnât hurt or anything. He just wasnât responding at the moment.
That told me something. If heâd been walking around town in human form, as he sometimes did when he couldnât sleep, he would have answered me. The fact that he hadnât meant he was either really, really pissed or heâd shifted.
I slid out of bed and pulled on my shorts, then pulled aside the curtain on the window that looked out to the garden. After his warning to the pack, I didnât think he would have shifted out there, but if heâd been desperate enough to go wolf he might have. After all, it was well past the hour that most six-year-oldsâor most adults, for that matterâwould be awake and looking out windows.
I didnât see Tobias. If he had shifted, he might have gone for a run in the park. I usually left him alone when he did that. This time, it seemed important to find him. I wasnât sure why, but I wasnât about to question the instinct. I put on a T-shirt and my shoes and headed out the front door.
Being out there this late as a human wasnât necessarily the smartest thing. We did live in a relatively safe part of the city. Unfortunately, that didnât mean there were never assaults in our neighborhood. Rodericâs attack had been specifically targeted at a memberâany memberâof Boston North Pack, on orders from Saul Hughes. Saul was still out there somewhere; I wouldnât have been surprised if heâd repeated himself by hiring other human gang members to go after our pack and City Pack. I hadnât heard about any random attacks in this neighborhood since Iâd lived there. Those could still happen, though.
I didnât think too much about that. Right then, my goal was finding my mate. He only went wolf in the city when he was very stressed and needed to run. I didnât know what was going on, and I didnât want to leave him alone until I found out.
Wind off the harbor cut through my clothes, but I barely noticed. I made it across the street easily enough and into Piers Park, which closed at sunset. A police car sat at the curb, supposedly to make sure no one entered the park after dark. If any police officers were sitting in the car, they didnât notice me.
âTobias?â I called softly. That wasnât the smartest thing either. If Tobias was there, he would probably hear me. So would any other wolves who happened to be there. Even though Piers Park was part of our territory, weâd been invaded by wolves from other packs before.
Tobias still didnât answer, but I caught a glimpse of white out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to look full-on, it had vanished behind the brick building that sat in the middle of the park.
If youâre here, please just answer me, I said.
Go home.
At least he was speaking to me. Are you all right?
Go home.
When most werewolves shifted, they held onto a little bit of their human side. Tobias could communicate with me, but his side was likely to be a little bit repetitive. When I shifted, I kept most of my humanity, higher-level thinking skills and all. Apparently that was just another way I was weird in the world of werewolves.
I didnât leave the park. Tobias wasnât happy about having me there, but under the annoyance I sensed some relief. He didnât like being alone.
I walked over to one of the benches and sat down. Iâll wait.
Need to run. Go home.
I wonât get in your way, Tobias, I replied. I just want to make sure youâre all right.
Go home!
This time, compulsion coursed through the words. Not that it did any good. I didnât bother answering him. He knew I wasnât going anywhere.
After a couple minutes, a white streak ran out from behind the building and down the park toward the sailing club docks. For a little while, he just kept running back and forth. He didnât tell me to leave again. He just ignored me completely. I was fine with that. I hadnât gone over there to have a conversation. I just wanted to make sure he didnât do anything dangerous.
The wind started to get to me, and I thought about going back to the apartment. Tobias was still running and probably would be for a while. He hadnât gone anywhere near the harbor, just kept running the same course back and forth from one end of the park to the other, so heâd probably be okay.
Just as I stood up, a furry form leaped over the wall and ran straight toward my mate.
Author Bio
Karenna Colcroft lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts, and has been in love with the city since childhood, though she has yet to encounter any werewolves, vampires, or other paranormal beings in her travels. At least none that she knows of. Though since in her non-writing life, under another name, she offers services as a channel and energy healing practitioner, it could be said that she herself is a paranormal being. The juryâs still out on that.
Karenna is a polyamorous, nonbinary human who splits time between the home she shares with her husband and the one she shares with her committed partner. She also has two adult children and a bonus son, three grandchildren, and two and a half cats. (Half in terms of time the cat lives with her, not in terms of the cat itselfâŚ)
Author Website: https://karennacolcroft.com
Author Facebook (Personal): https://www.facebook.com/riverlightbearer/
Author Facebook (Author Page): https://www.facebook.com/KarennaColcroft
Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/karenna-colcroft/