Hey all… I was recently asked to provide my perspective for a queer-themed issue of the Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture:
I’ve been a part of the queer writing fiction community for more than thirty years, starting with a queer writing group on AOL that I took over in the early nineties and continuing up to the present. I founded and ran the Queer Sci-Fi site and Facebook Group, and have had the chance to see the growth of Queer speculative fiction first-hand.The roots of queer speculative fiction reach way back. Samuel Delaney, Joanna Russ, and Elizabeth A. Lynn, among others, were all writing it in the sixties and seventies, and writers like Anne McCaffrey flirted with it (see Dragons, Green) as well. But, we’re unquestioningly in a golden age of queer speculative fiction, as readers clamor for characters in which they can recognise themselves, and writers push the existing boundaries of the market place.