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Great New Review for My Story Avalon

BA Brock has posted a great review of my story Avalon, and for the first issue of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly:

A GREAT anthology, and the first volume of what I expect will be a successful quarterly magazine. The magazine features short LGBTQ+ works, and within that category, the genres are limitless. In this issue there was horror, literary fiction, humor, drama, and so much more. There was even art in the form of book covers, and interviewsā€”something for everyone… Avalon by J. Scott Coatsworth. Iā€™ve read nearly everything Coatsworth has written (Iā€™m his number one fan, and I may fight anyone who declares otherwise), but I wasnā€™t prepared for this piece. Normally I find Coatsworth to be light-hearted, even when he is dealing with heavy issues of social injustice, but this piece knocked me on my ass and nearly made me cry. I had to ā€œcomfort textā€ him as I read it.

Me: Please say Tony wonā€™t do such and such. Me: Oh my god! Jakeā€™s not going to such and such, is he? You know something? Coatsworth was laughing at me the entire time, gleefully enjoying my anguish. Heā€™s pretty sadistic, the sick bastard. But itā€™s a great piece, and certainly stands out in this anthology.

So there you have it. I’m a sadistic bastard. But I write a great short story. šŸ˜›

QSF Avalon

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