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Point of View: Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Scott and Lana

Hey all, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different this week. I’m a strange and mysterious member of the human race, and there are a number of things you probably don’t know about me. Pictured: Me and my mom, circa 1982-83. So here it goes: 1) My First Book: My first fiction publication was the story “The Bear at the Bar”, published in 2014 by Dreamspinner in the “A Taste of Honey” anthology. But I was actually published originally in 1986 in the book “Raising Each Other,” a non-fiction title for teens and parents. 2) In … Read more

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Point of View: After the Con

Scott Predictions

OK, so GRL 2016 (Kansas City) is officially over. Time to look back over my pre-con predictions: 1) The Dancing Bear: There was no dancing bear (though there was a dancing Cowardly Lion – who knew Steve Zimmerman was so furry?). There were also dancing flying monkeys, fancing witches, and a handsome dancing tin man. Prediction Rating: 2 out of 5. 2) The Smores Bar: There was no smores bar, though there was a fairly good buffet on the last night, and the Grease movie night featured a fair selection of candy and some great pop corn, including Hershey bars, … Read more

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Point of View: Ten Things I’m Looking Forward to at GRL


OK, so I’m a GRL virgin (and judging from the photo, it’s amazing I’m not an RL virgin too!). I’d always heard that it was next to impossible to get into GRL as an author. But it was actually easy. I just had to pre-register my information, jump onto the site at the exact second the registration opened, and type faster than I’d ever typed in my life. It was a snap. But although I have never been to GRL, I’ve heard some rumors about the amazing things that go on there. So here are my top ten things I … Read more

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Point of View: Scraping Together a Living in Publishing

Bigfoot Hunters in Love cover

If you’re not Steven King or JK Rowling, you probably don’t make a huge income on writing alone. Most of the authors I know write as a second job, or have a spouse who works and can help support them. My husband Mark has been fully supportive of my writing career. But that doesn’t mean I can abandon our own business, and so there’s always a tension between the two in terms of deadlines and my time. This is my third year earning money as a writer, and the trend line is definitely going in the right direction. But I’ve … Read more

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Point of View: 8 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Con

Scott GRL prep

OK, so GRL is officially just two weeks and a couple days away, and I am TOTALLY FREAKING OUT. There’s too much to do! I’ve done cons before, but there’s always a bit of last minute preparation, and this one is no different. So I thought I’d share with you a bit of what I do, have done and will do to prepare for a con like this. 1. Book Your Hotel Early: Most of these cons offer a discounted hotel rate, but these often have limited availability. Book early to have the best shot at these low rates – otherwise … Read more

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Point of View: Going From Writer to Author

seal scott author

I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. I wrote a sci fi story in fourth grade – ok, so it wasn’t much of a story, more of a Jetsons rip-off. But the creative urges were there in elementary school. In my late teens and early twenties, I wrote my first novel, which was then soundly rejected by a number of publishers and which I allowed to kill my nascent writing career at the time. Now I am actually published – with twelve stories that have appeared in journals, anthologies, and even as stand-alone novellas from respectable … Read more

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Point of View: Selling at a Con

Scott Angel Freddy yaoicon

Hey all, Just got back from YaoiCon in San Francisco – I went for one day on Saturday to hang with MCB Books’ Angel Martinez and Freddy MacKay. I thought I’d share some of what I learned from this and the other cons I have attended about how to get the most out of your book sales. and to be as organized as possible beforehand. Find Out if You Need a License: Some states require you to collect taxes and send them in for sales made at cons and trade shows. I don’t know if it was required for YaoiCon, … Read more

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Point of View: Listening to My Writer’s Heart

Scott's Writer's Heart

I’m supposed to be hard at work on a short story extension. I have a publisher interested in a novella-length version of it, but my heart’s just not in it. I thought it was just ’cause I hadn’t written anything new in a while – maybe I was bored with it? So when a deadline for an anthology I’d been interested in but hadn’t had time for was unexpectedly extended, I jumped on the opportunity to write something new, and left my other story behind. I’ve been writing the new one for about two weeks. It’s flowing nicely, and I … Read more

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Point of View: Squirrel!

Scott - Squirrel

I just spent a couple months slogging through a fourth (or was it seventeenth?) draft of one of my novels, and then jumped right into an extension of another work. After that, I have another novel to finish up. In short, I’m working or reworking a lot of things I have worked on time and time again before. My writer brain wants something NEW! So this week, I am sidetracking a little bit and working on a BRAND FREAKING NEW short story – something for a holiday anthology I’ve had my eye on for awhile. And you know what? It feels GOOD. … Read more

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Point of View: Shaking Up My Marketing Plan


Hey all… On paper, I’ve been doing all the things authors are supposed to do to market themselves and their works online. I have my Facebook pages (personal and Author). I am very active on Facebook and have a great network of author and reader friends. I talk about myself more often than I post about my works, showing suitable writer modesty. I have a Twitter account that I also post to regularly. I have an Amazon Author page, a Goodreads Author page, and an ARe Author page. I have my own writerly blog, with regular, unique content – a … Read more