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Point of View: Writing a Sequel


Hey all, I’m going into uncharted waters here. Over the last few weeks, I mapped out the course for “Lander”, the sequel to “Skythane”, my first published novel that comes out on February 17th.Cover reveal on 1/18 – woo hoo! In “Skythane”, an unlikely pair races to save the world – a very unusual world that’s been split in half by an ancient calamity. The timing to begin the sequel was fortuitous, as I had just read through my proof copy of “Skythane”, and made notes about all the little plot threads I needed to continue or wrap up in … Read more

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Point of View: I Wish I Lived in Stars Hollow


We’re most of the way through our sixth or seventh or maybe eighth viewing of the entire Gilmore Girls series, and I find myself affected by a peculiar kind of nostalgia. It’s a longing for a simpler time, when things were less messy. Less racist. Less Trump. Watching this show, I can envision the perfect place. It’s clean, friendly, an ideal combination of small town charm and big city mores. Okay, so Stars Hollow is a little white. Maybe a lot white. But there’s something about it that calls to me, that imagines America as it could be if we … Read more

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Point of View: 2017 Goals

2017 Writer Goals

Another year has come and gone. In some ways it was one of the ugliest years I can remember, and 2017 promises to be pretty bad too. But on a personal, writing-related note, it was pretty good. I had two novellas and two short stories published. I hung out with other writer folks at DSP, YaoiCon, and GRL. And I sold my first novel (and the first in a series, if all goes well). So what does my 2017 look like? I thought I’d share my goals with you, my faithful readers and fans. First, my publication goals: 1) Lander: … Read more

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Point of View: Dead Writers Don’t Write

skull - pixabay

Hey all, This is a difficult time of year for me in any year, but especially this year: Christmas is bearing down on us, with all the responsibilities that entails – gifts, cards, parties, and preparation. Just beyond the holiday looms a 12 day trip out of the country. Don’t get me wrong – I am really looking forward to it. But it’s coming at the start of the new year, traditionally a very busy time for us. The Trump cloud hangs over our heads like a pronouncement of doom, and it’s never far from my thoughts. And in the … Read more

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Point of View: Things That Bring Me Peace and Joy


In the spirit of the season, and after a rancorous past few months, I thought I would share with you guys a few things that soothe my soul, in the hopes that they might inspire you to do the same. So here, in no particular order, are some things that bring me joy. My Husband Mark: We’ve been together for almost twenty five years. Hard to believe, I know, since we both look so young and beautiful. *grin* But I still love waking up next to him every day, and we still make each other laugh and snort milk out of our … Read more

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Point of View: Writing Beauty in a Time of Chaos


Hey all, It’s been almost a month since my world was turned upside down. Many things I thought were true about my own country and fellow Americans were shown to be either blatantly false, or at best rosy exaggerations. My place in this society, which a month ago seemed newly safe and secure, has once again been thrown into question. In my little bubble here in Sacramento, nothing seems to have changed. Outside, it’s a beautiful (if cold) day. The mail still gets delivered into our box every day around noon. The paper still arrives on my doorstep on time … Read more

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Point of View: Writing Interesting Characters


Every writer has a weakness. Or two. One of mine is characterization. I came to this whole writing thing via reading lots and lots of sci fi and fantasy – really really long, epic fantasy – and so my great love has always been worldbuilding. I adore strange new worlds – Pern with its dragons and thread, Dune with sandworms and funny sand walking, and Asimov’s overarching Foundation and Psychohistory. So when I write my stories, I start out thinking high level themes, weird and wonderful planets, and devices of great power. Then I have to fill those stories with … Read more

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Point of View: When it Rains…


It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here in Scott-Land. I’m rushing to finish a novel and a novella, both due to the publisher by the end of December. And at the same time, I’ve been hit by edits for my first novel, “Skythane”, edits for “Wonderland”, a novella appearing in the upcoming “This Wish Tonight” anthology from Mischief Corner Books”, my weekly “River City” chapters, and chapter requests for my other serial project with MCB, “Marionettes in the Mist.” It seems like I just get one thing off my desk and pivot back to the novel when another one … Read more

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Point of View: Responding


Hey all, I won’t lie. Last week was a horrible, terrible, very bad week for Mark and I, and for most everyone we know. And it’s not just because a Republican won the white house. That’s happened before. Not my team, not my party, but it’s how America works. This was something deeper. Darker. The man who won did so on a platform of lies, fear, and hatred. He won by denying things he’d said before that we have on tape with a straight face. He won with the help of the Russian government, and of our own FBI. And … Read more

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Point of View: Keeping My Sanity


OK, it’s finally over after tomorrow. Far and away the worst and most personally damaging election of my lifetime is oozing ever so slowly toward its conclusion. That it was such a terrible, mentally and emotionally exhausting election for me this year can be laid squarely at the feet of one of the two candidates, who decided facts don’t matter and insults do. Suffice it to say I have voted for the other one, the one who will protect the interests of myself, my husband, our community at large, and the country. But this post is not about the election, … Read more