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POINT OF VIEW: When Life Intervenes


Hey all, I try to keep this column generally light hearted, sharing news about my writing and tips for my fellow writers. And I am writing – I am plowing through the first part of The Shifting Current this week. But sometimes life picks you up and shakes you hard. So I’m gonna get a little real today. When I heard the news last week that Justice Kennedy had chosen this moment to retire from the US Supreme Court, it was like a physical gut punch. I look back at the steps that got us here – Senator McConnell’s huge … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: My Open Relationship With Book Distribution


Hey all, I’ve just started self publishing, along with my more traditionally published works. “The River City Chronicles” came out last month, and I just published my first re-release, my very first published story, “The Bear at the Bar.” I’m in a bit of a dating phase now, flitting from distributor to distributor to see who I like best. I’ve used Ingram Spark, Amazon, and Direct2Digital so far. Amazon has the biggest arms and the best pecs, but he can be kind of a douche sometimes, and he won’t give me his phone number or email. Direct2Digital is great, but … Read more

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POV: Have Fun Raiding the Castle!

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Hey all, This is one of the parts of writing that I love the most. I sent off “Ithani” to the publisher a week and a half ago, and now I am getting ready to start off on a brand new quest – writing the final book in the Liminal Sky trilogy. 🙂 Here’s what I can tell you. The new book, tentatively titled “The Shifting Current,” takes place about twenty years after the close of “The Rising Tide,” which comes out on October 30th. Many folks who knew Old Earth are now older or gone, and the world is … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Roller Coaster and the Inner Critic

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Hey all, As anyone who knows me or follows this column knows, it’s been a wild month. It was just about a month ago that we discovered how much GDPR (the new EU privacy law) would require of us as a company, and how little time (3 weeks!!!) we had to accomplish it. It also landed squarely in the lead-up to the release of “The River City Chronicles,” my first self-published work. It also happened to be the month when I was due to finish writing Ithani, and one of my beta readers threw me a (much needed) curve ball … Read more

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The River City Chronicles

Hey all, Last week was a momentous one for me. After two and a half years and lots of effort, “The River City Chronicles” was released on Wednesday, my very first self-published work. The book is now available in eBook and print formats, and I am thrilled to finally have crossed a line I have labored towards for decades. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and almost always had a dream of being a publisher too, though that came a little later. There’s something amazing about having the keys to the kingdom – about being fully in control of … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: It’s Almost Here, and Thanks to Everyone Who Helped

Hey all, Regular readers of this space will know a) that “The River City Chronicles” finally releases in book form on Wednesday, and b) that GDPR took a big chunk out of my hide this month. So… I am kinda freaked out about the whole release thing. LOL… but it will get better. In two days, I will have released my first self published book, and it’s a beautiful thing. I set up a tour (thankfully before I got mired in GDPR) and so many friends came to my aid to help me get the word out on the first … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Upside Down Week


Hey all, It’s been a weird, rough week. Three weeks, actually. Most of the folks who know me well know that this week should be a triumph for me – the start of my career as a self published author (well, hybrid author, really – see last week). The print copies of “The River City Chronicles” arrived, and they are gorgeous, thanks to Vellum (the eBook app I use) and the amazing talents of my cover designer Kelley York. I’m also supposed to be working on wrapping up “Ithani,” book three of my Oberon Cycle trilogy, to send it off … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: I’m a Hybrid Author


Hey all, It’s official. My first self published book is coming out on May 30th. “The River City Chronicles” has been in the works for two and a half years. I will soon be a “hybrid” author – one with stories published both traditionally and by myself. When I first sat down to write “River City,” the story of a bunch of friends in Sacramento as a serial tale on my blog, I had no idea where they’d end up a hundred and two chapters later… or that I’d end up here. with “River City” as my first self publication. … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: I’m Not Writing, and It’s the EU’s Fault


It’s one of those weeks. As a writer, we like to write. It’s kinda our thing. But often our attention gets called away by other things. Some of these are life events, big and small – the laundry, a school play, the death of a family member. Some of these are even writing-related, like the need to promo our books, or if we are self publishing for the first time, to learn the ropes and figure out how to send our new book out into the world. Hello. And some of them are thrust upon us violently and without warning. … Read more

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Point of View: I’m In it Now

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I have dived into the deep end, and the water’s rising high! This week, I started seriously working on my first self publication project – The River City Chronicles. Not the manuscript – that’s been done for months. I’m talking about the nitty-gritty work of preparing all the stuff and submitting it to distributors to actually get the book out there. It’s a lot harder than I thought. I’m using Vellum to prep the book, and it’s been a fricking Godsend. Very easy to use, and so many options. I can see what the book will look like in ALL … Read more