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Announcement: Slash OP, by J. Johanis

Slash Op

J. Johanis has a new sci fi book out, the sequel to Drago Star, and she’s sharing an interview with one of the characters: JJ: Hi Brett. Thanks so much for agreeing to this interview. I understand you are about to begin your first mission on Earth and that you’ll be going into dragon-occupied territory. I also realize that some things are classified; however, can you tell me a little about your role in this mission? Brett: Thank you for having me. Yes, there are certainly things that are classified about this mission; however, I have no problem telling you … Read more

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Review: Untouchable, by LV Lloyd


I just finished a book I’d been planning to read for a long time – LV Lloyd’s “Untouchable”. It’s a space opera, and the fifth book in Lloyd’s Aurigan series. It’s also the first full-length book I have read by Lloyd. I really enjoyed the book. In a nutshell, it’s about several “oms” (Aurigan parlance for homosexual) on the patrol ship Qatar. The story opens with a bang – with one of them on trial for raping a minor, the son of his best friend. Then it spins back to the situation that resulted in the trial, and off we … Read more

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Another Four (Well, Hearts) Review for The Autumn Lands

Love Bytes

Just got another great review of “The Autumn Lands”, this one from Love Bytes: This is my first read of a J. Scott Coatsworth book, but it definitely won’t be my last. I quite enjoyed this fantasy story…even after a major twist half way through! I’m not doing any spoilers on what that twist is, so don’t even ask!… I dare you to read it and tell me you guessed it before you got to it. You’ll be lying. I’m going to have to keep this review short, because I’ve already given a couple spoilers, but since they are from … Read more

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Release Day: “The Autumn Lands” in “Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox”

Hey all, My latest work is out – the sci fi/fantasy story “The Autumn Lands” is now available in the new Mischief Corner Books fall-themed anthology “Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox”. Buy Links: Mischief Corner Books | Amazon | ARe | Bookstrand | Kobo To celebrate, I thought I would share an exclusive excerpt with y’all: Cas was momentarily at peace for the first time in as long as he could remember. He’d lost track of the time he’d spent with the caravan, days that had rolled into weeks, weeks into months and more. It was close-on two years since … Read more

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Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox Available for Preorder

Travels Through the Scarlet Equinox is up for preorder! It’s the 6th anthology from the authors at Mischief Corner Books, Freddy MacKay, Angel Martinez, Toni Griffin and myself, is due for release on the 18th November: The Autumnal equinox—when the trees dress in their formal scarlet and gold and the crisp air whispers of chance and change, when bright days turn into sudden storms and the veil between reality and imagination thins. Join the Mischief Corner authors as they share stories evoking this often unpredictable time of year. My story, The Autumn Lands, is included. It’s an MM fantasy tale … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Angel Martinez

Angel Martinez

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Angel Martinez, an amazing writer of MM sci fi and fantasy. Angel is also my co-Admin on the Queer Sci Fi site and Facebook page. Thanks so much, Angel, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Angel Martinez: I write Science Fiction and Fantasy with LGBT protagonists – some of it serious and some of it comedic. But I’m one of those people who find humor … Read more

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Review: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

I had the pleasure to receive an advance copy of Jonah Bergan’s new MM sci fi book Off World. The cover of the book is gorgeous – it immediately made me interested in reading the story. The image of the main character is mysterious and gorgeous, and the planetary background promises a lush sci fi adventure. The story doesn’t disappoint. Let me say up front that the book does include some semi graphic sex with a dominance theme. But one of the things I loved about it was that the sex was both secondary and integral to the science fiction … Read more

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QSF Releases Our First Book


Wow – lots of news this week – today is also the launch date for “Discovery: QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest”. This is a great little book – and I say little because none of the hundred-plus stories included are more that 300 words long. The five contest winners are included, but there are many other great stories in here, running the gamut from sci fi to fantasy to paranormal to horror. It’s also a fundraiser for QSF… after the great folks at Mischief Corner Books take a small cut to pay expenses, the rest goes to fund the … Read more

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Both of My July Novellas Are Available for Pre-Order

Between the Lines

OK, I’m totally excited! My two novellas, both coming out in July, are now available for pre-order: Between the Lines Present day magical realism MM romance Dreamspinner Press Release Date: July 15th Brad Weston’s life seems perfect. He’s GQ handsome, the Chief of Staff for a Republican California State Senator, and enjoys the power and the promise of a bright future. And he’s in a comfortable relationship with his boyfriend of six years, Alex. Sam Fuller is Brad’s young, blond, blue-eyed intern, fresh out of college, running from a bad break-up, and questioning his choices and his new life in … Read more

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My First Cover Reveal :)

The Homecoming

OK, so I did already reveal it on FB last week, but hey, let me enjoy my moment. 🙂 I have two novellas coming out in July – my first stand-alone works! The first one is The Homecoming – from Less Than Three – I call it my wolfman v.s spaceman book. It’s about a man returning to Earth five hundred years after mankind abandoned the planet, and what he finds when he arrives. This gorgeous cover was created for me by the talented London Burden, who stuck with me even when I was an incredible PITA. I’m thrilled with … Read more