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“A New Year” Double Edition Releases Wednesday

A New Year

Hey all, My latest magical re-release comes out in two days – A New Year: Special Double Edition. This one is special – it’s actually two versions of the same story. From the foreword: ā€œA New Yearā€ has a bit of a history. When I first wrote it, it was intended for an anthology to be out by Dreamspinner. It tells the life-long love story of Hank and Dale. After sending it in, I re-read the prompt and realized it called for stories set outside the USA. I had set the entire tale in Northern California, with most of it … Read more

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FLASH RELEASE: The Bear at the Bar

The Bear at the Bar

A little surprise for y’all. I am starting to re-release my out of print stories, and my very first one is “The Bear at the Bar,” my first published work in the “A Taste of Honey” anthology. Ben Thomas plucked me out of obscurity and kick-started my authoring career. šŸ™‚ Now you can get this story again as a stand-alone, with a new cover, for just .99 cents: Dex is a gay Adonis. When he walks into Seattle’s Ransom bar, heads turn. He can have just about anyone he wants, and he does, every night. Until he meets a bear … Read more

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Ana Newfolk

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Ana Newfolk – Ana Newfolk was born in Portugal where she grew up surrounded by sunshine and countryside. She has always had a deep love of reading, and ever since she can remember her favorite presents and treats have always been books. Giveaway: Ana is giving away two $5 Amazon gift certificates with this post – comment below for a chance to win! Thanks so much, Ana, for joining me! J. Scott … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Scorched & The Warring Hearts Trilogy, by J. Ashburn


My friend J. Ashburn has a new MM paranormal book out: The final book of the Warring Hearts Trilogy! The story of Caleb and Micah comes to an explosive conclusion in this gay-themed Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. A rift has opened between the worlds and the inhabitants of Hell are flooding onto the Earth. Led by Lilith, demon of the night, they plan to overrun the world and find a mate for their new leader so she may populate the world with her brood. Itā€™s a race against time for the fallen angel Caleb and his human lover Micah … Read more

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Kethric Wilcox

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kethric Wilcox – Kethric began writing and publishing as a personal challenge to be creative in a new medium. He was attracted to the LGBT Romance genre after reading several paranormal romances where it seemed like the shape-shifters never faced dangers outside the relationship issues thrown at them by their authors. Thus was born the shifter hunting House of Beauty on the premise of a twisted fairy tale. Thanks so much, Kethric, … Read more

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REVIEW: Skythane


Just got a fantastic review of Skythane from Jayne at WROTE Podcast: Having read The Stark Divide, I was already confident in this authorā€™s world-building technique and ability to tell a rip-roaring tale. Skythane is the story of Xander and Jameson, ostensibly on a mission to find supplies of pith (a mind-altering drug) but they find themselves at the centre of a race to save the planet from destruction… I loved the way the way every creature, every fruit, plant, the technology, the weather, Ā food cooking methods, the weaponry, the transport, the cities, religious structure, every little thing has been … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Elixir of Flight, by Alina Popescu

Elixir of Flight

QSFer Alina Popescu has a new MM sci fi book out: The truth always comes to light, no matter how old or dark the intergalactic veil of lies. When flyers Michael and Samandriel set out to find the elusive Ishtahr sanctuary, the truths they uncover about the origin of their race threaten the very foundation of the Intergalactic Alliance. If exposed, the allianceā€™s revered overseers might lose their rule over the galaxies and their ultimate military force, the flyers. Desperate to protect Adam, his lover, Michael will go against anyone who threatens the humanā€™s life. Put into stasis by what … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Antonia Aquilante

Antonia Aquilante

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Antonia Aquilante – Antonia Aquilante has been making up stories for as long as she can remember, and at the age of twelve, decided she would be a writer when she grew up. After many years and a few career detours, she has returned to that original plan. Her stories have changed over the years, but one thing has remained consistent – they all end in happily ever after. Thanks so much, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Victoria Sue

Victoria Sue

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Victoria Sue, aka Sue Kellett, an amazing MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con and got along famously with. Thanks so much, Sue, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Victoria Sue: So far I have done mm contemporary, paranormal, and my current WIP is mm English regency historical (Think two Mr. Darcy’s – yum). I also have done and are doing m/f paranormal. … Read more

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Mischief Corner Books Quarterly V2 is Out – And I’m In It!

MCB Quarterly

It’s here, it’s here! I have a brand new story, “Translation”, in the new second edition of the Mischief Corner Books Quarterly! Four great stories (and more) for just Four Bucks. You can find it at MCB here: And at Amazon here. Here’s an exclusive excerpt from my story: “Rico,” someone said, shaking his shoulder. “Rico, wake up.” “What?” Enrico said, turning over. He always slept naked, and as his eyes flickered open, he was surprised to see Dominic. He pulled the sheets up over himself, strangely self-conscious. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before. “I’m sorry,” Dominic said. … Read more