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Point of View: Trouble Right Here in River City

River City Chronicles

I’m about to embark on a brand new adventure, something that I as a writer have never done before. I’m going to write a serialized piece of fiction, a story that unfolds slowly and publicly week by week on my blog. And as if that weren’t enough of a challenge, I’m going to release each new episode simultaneously in both Italian and English. Several things have come together recently to make this possible: I started a new blog for myself as a writer in June, which needed content I published Between the Lines with Dreamspinner Press in July, a magical … Read more

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Release Date!

It’s finally here! My very first stand-alone work, Between the Lines, is out. It’s hard to believe – it’s been a long time coming. I wrote my first story in fourth or fifth grade. by high school, I was working on a novel, and was sure that I was gonna be the next big thing in Fantasy and Sci Fi. Then a bunch of rejections, a coming out, and life in general intervened. Years went by. In my twenties, I tried again. And quit. In my thirties I tried yet again. And quit. But some people always believed in me. … Read more

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I’m on Amazon!!!!!!!!!!

Between the Lines - Amazon

OK, so I’ve kinda been on Amazon before. But only as part of a couple anthologies and journals. Which was awesome enough. But now I’m on there for the first time with my own book: *jumping up and down* So excited. It also popped up today on Kobo, Barnes and Noble and ARe. Here are all the links: Dreamspinner: Amazon: Kobo: B&N: ARe: Six days to launch!!!

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Both of My July Novellas Are Available for Pre-Order

Between the Lines

OK, I’m totally excited! My two novellas, both coming out in July, are now available for pre-order: Between the Lines Present day magical realism MM romance Dreamspinner Press Release Date: July 15th Brad Weston’s life seems perfect. He’s GQ handsome, the Chief of Staff for a Republican California State Senator, and enjoys the power and the promise of a bright future. And he’s in a comfortable relationship with his boyfriend of six years, Alex. Sam Fuller is Brad’s young, blond, blue-eyed intern, fresh out of college, running from a bad break-up, and questioning his choices and his new life in … Read more

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Cover Reveal – Between the Lines

Between the Lines

OK, my second cover reveal – for my forthcoming novella from Dreamspinner Press. It’s called Between the Lines, and it’s a magical realism story about Brad, a gay man who works as a chief of staff for a state Senator, and Sam, his intern. Hope you like it. No pre-order link yet… will post that when I have it. –Scott

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Another Story Published!


Hey all, My latest published story just came in the mail. Originally titled “Fly”, “Tight” is a little short I wrote years ago, and then pulled out and updated last year. It found a home at Jonathan, “a journal of queer male fiction”, from Sibling Rivalry Press, and I’m thrilled. It’s a modern day fantasy/magical realism piece about a man who lost his partner in a freak airline accident, and now is terrified to fly, but finds he has to go to San Francisco by plane for a conference. It’s available from Sibling Rivalry Press as part of the latest … Read more