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Four Diamond Review for “Between the Lines”

Between the Lines

From Exquisite Reviews: This was a short read but it definitely delivered and kept you wanting more. I wanted to read more from J. Scott Coatsworth since reading his short story in the Candle in the Dark: Anthology. This was a fresh take for me and I enjoyed the book but I was disappointed that it wasn’t longer. J. Scott has a way of writing characters that make you want to read their minds. I know I am selfish in wanting more from him, but I really want him to write a full book. His writing style doesn’t call for … Read more

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New Review of Between the Lines…

Rainbow Book Reviews

From Lena Grey at Rainbow Book Reviews: This is a brief but well written love story about two men working in politics, but with different outlooks; for Sam it’s just an internship, but for Brad, it’s where his future lies, despite some of the party’s attitudes being in conflict with his beliefs. Brad is still idealistic enough to think he can make a difference, even though the Republican party’s ideals have shifted from governing and into bargains, bribes, and donations. The medallion is an excellent way to show Brad where he is in life, rather than where he hopes to … Read more