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POINT OF VIEW: Spicing Your Story Up With Slang

bunny boots

Hey all, Today’s column will be short but sweet, as I am in the throes of preparing to go to the Dreamspinner retreat in Orlando Thursday (*waves at all my author friends*). So I thought I’d talk a little more about my new holiday story “Melt.” It’s set in Antarctica, and I found a cool site that includes some Antartcic slang. Whether you’re writing a future world or something in the next city over, including some local idioms and slang can add additional layers to your storytelling. Here are a few from Antarctic 10 – A person of the opposite … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Christmas and Climate Change

Antarctica - pixabay

Hey all, I am writing a holiday romance for one of the publishers I work with, and I waned to do something more than the usual “boy meets boy” thing. So I decided to try to inject a little social consciousness into the story, too. The story tentatively titled “Melt,” and it takes place in Antarctica. It’s been a fascinating piece to write, involving so many research rabbit holes. For instance, I’ve learned that you don’t want to take fresh food out on an outing on the Antarctic Ice unless you’ll be camping. Thinking of a nice healthy veggie sandwich? … Read more

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Point of View: This Has All Happened Before


Hey all, I was wandering down memory lane earlier this week when I remembered something that I wanted to share with y’all. One of the things Mark and I do is to build directories and communities – Queer Sci Fi, QueeRomance Ink, and a number of others that bring together various parts of the LGBTIQA community. For today’s column, I thought I’d take you back a couple decades, to the beginning of the world wide web, when America Online ruled the Earth. Yes, there was actually a time when the web didn’t exist. It was a strange era, when you … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: How Would a Civilization Evolve If…

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Last week I shared insights from a great author panel at WorldCon76 in San Jose. This week I thought I’d share another. The full title of this one was “How Would a Civilization Evolve If…: How Human and Nonhuman Concepts of ‘Universe’ Is [sic] Shaped By Their Environment.” It was a fascinating chat between an astronomer, a biologist, and a — for lack of a better term – historian/philosopher. It reminded me of nothing so much as those classic sci fi  tales where aliens arrive on earth and a team of varied scientific disciplines (and one guy out of left … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Writing Epic Fantasy


Hey all, Mark and I just spent a few says at WorldCon 76 in San Jose, and one of the best panels we attended was the one on how to write epic fantasy. It was a two author chat between Kate Elliott, a veteran author with thirty years of publications under her belt, and Rebecca Roanhorse, a hot new “own voices” author who infuses her Anasazi and black heritage into her work. I thought I’d share a few of the insights from the panel here. 🙂 Background Kate started out by saying that epics happen in every culture – they … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Writing Different

I love you ASL

Hey all, As I continue to write, I like to find new ways to challenge myself as a writer. Yeah, I’m a glutton for punishment. 😛 Often this means working on my writing skills themselves. I love to watch really good films and TV shows and dissect how they put their stories together, and then apply that to my own work. It’s a great source of writing lessons and helps me keep advancing my skills. Sometimes it manifests in my characters themselves. In the last couple years, I have written a number of characters very different from myself that I’d … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Suck A Little Happy Juice

scott - happy juice

Hey all, It’s an amazing time in my writerly life. I’m starting to get some local press for “The River City Chronicles” (ok, so I begged and pleaded, but hey, whatever it takes, right?) – and I will do my first official bookstore reading and signing on October 4th at Time Tested Books in midtown Sacramento. (hint hint hint) You can sign up to go here: If you are in the Sacramento area, please sign up. I need to show the bookstore I have local support, so they will ask me back again. 🙂 At the same time, I … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: What’s Next?

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Hey all, As I work to finish the final book in the Liminal Sky series, I’ve been giving some thought to the question in today’s title – what’s next for me as a writer? I’ve done far more than I ever thought possible in this whole writing and publishing thing: Sold more than 20 stories (shorts, novellas and novels). Written not one but two series, to critical acclaim (and am wrapping up the last book now) Had a few certified Amazon bestsellers (albeit in smaller categories) Published my own works In the four years since I published my first short … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Amazon Bestsellers and The Long Game

Amazon Bestseller - Morgan

Hey all, This last month, I’ve hit the top of the Amazon charts not once, not twice, but three times. My friends and family have taken notice, and many have contacted me to express their congratulations. It’s an awesome thing to claim the title of Amazon Bestselling Author. But if you scratch the surface, it’s not quite as glamorous as it seems. Amazon books have thousands of categories. There are really big ones, like the overall Romance category, or other general genre ones like Paranormal, Fantasy, and Sci Fi. There are smaller ones, like Gay Romance. Then there are the … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Normalandia


Hey all, As I was thinking about what to write this week, it struck me that I am living in two very different worlds simultaneously. Bizzaro World and Normalandia. In Normalandia, life proceeds as usual. I wake up each morning, get some writing done, and get to work. Mark and I have breakfast together, work some more, and play a card game at lunch. In the evening, we binge-watch some shows on our Roku box, and then get to bed around ten o’clock. In Normalandia, the sun shines brightly outside, the sprinklers come one at 5 AM, the mailman brings … Read more