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Review: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

I had the pleasure to receive an advance copy of Jonah Bergan’s new MM sci fi book Off World. The cover of the book is gorgeous – it immediately made me interested in reading the story. The image of the main character is mysterious and gorgeous, and the planetary background promises a lush sci fi adventure. The story doesn’t disappoint. Let me say up front that the book does include some semi graphic sex with a dominance theme. But one of the things I loved about it was that the sex was both secondary and integral to the science fiction … Read more

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Five Star Review for “The Homecoming”!

Melanie Marshall Blog

Hey all… just got an amazing review for The Gomecoming from Melanie Marshall’s blog – thanks to Paul B.! An excerpt: This book clicks on just about every level. The heartbreak Aldiss feels at the loss of not only his home planet but his ex (even though he states there is nothing romantic between them anymore) is palpable. The hope of a new home world is quickly set back first by the crash landing and the dangers that caused but also with the troubles of Cat’s illness coming out of stasis. Add in the inter clan squabbles about what to … Read more

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Two More Blog Tour Stops!

Lexi Ander

One for “The Homecoming” with the fabulous Lexi Ander: And the other a review of “Between the Lines by Molly Lolly: I enjoyed this story. I loved how Brad had to decide if he wanted to hear the true thoughts of people or not. It raises an interesting philosophical question as well. I liked how that decision was described in the story. I felt bad for Brad and how he was treated. At the same time, he stood up for himself and what he believes in. He didn’t just roll over and take it. I was glad Brad wound up … Read more

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Point of View: Under the Gun

Pantser vs. plotter

There’s a lot of discussion these days about whether, as a writer, you are a pantser or a plotter. Pantsers, as the name implies, write by the seat of their pants. It’s like they open the door to their new story and just go out wandering in the world to see where they end up. Plotters, on the other hand, are the folks who sit at the kitchen table with a map and a copy of the AA hotel guide (geez, that dates me, doesn’t it?) and know every step they plan to take, though of course it’s all subject … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Bellora Quinn

Bellora Quinn

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Bellora Quinn, a Tampa-area MM writer Mark and I met at Rainbow Con. We enjoyed spending time with Bellora, who writes the Aura series with our own Angel Martinez. Thanks so much, Bellora, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Bellora Quinn: I don’t know what the technical term for it would be, but if I had to try and describe my writing style I’d say … Read more

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Four Diamond Review For The Homecoming

The Homecoming

Just got another great review for “The Homecoming”, this one from Exquisite Reviews: “It took me a couple of pages to get into this story and I think it was because it felt a bit choppy at times. I am not sure if the length played a part in that but the characters felt a little disconnected to me. As the story progressed I was super surprised at the turn it took, the characters came alive within the story. Even with the slow start it picked up quickly and provided a great story for it’s readers. The story was well … Read more

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Two New Reviews for Between The Lines!

Doing my happy dance! Just got two new official reviews for “Between the Lines”. The first one is from 3 Chicks After Dark, and it’s a rave! …The medallion is a brilliant twist on a familiar trope, adding a paranormal edge to conventional elements. I was anxious to see what would happen each time Brad wraps his hand around it, and I found myself wondering what it would be like to truly see the thoughts of people around me. Would l like it? What would they be thinking? After seeing what happens in Between the Lines, I’ve pretty much decided … Read more

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Point of View: Becoming a Cover Designer

I have aspirations. I want to learn how to do everything in the publishing world. In my past, I’ve already worked at a small publisher, at a bookstore, and at a book distributor. I’ve written (and sold) a number of stories. I’ve done beta reading and critiquing, though no formal editing as of yet. But one mountain I haven’t climbed yet is creating an official book cover. Oh, I’ve played around with it – I just designed three covers for my “Weekly Fix” story serializations:    These were tons of fun to do, but they’re only created for this one … Read more