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Point of View – A Full-Time Writer With Part-Time Time

Time selfie

If you’re a full-time writer, you may have so much time on your hands that you have a hard time finding enough stories to write to fill it. I do not have that problem. Stories swirl around in my head on spin cycle. They leak out in conversations, get themselves written down on napkins and bits of paper and note files on my mac and iphone and ipad. I have so many stories to tell, and so little time to tell them. You see, I’m a full-time writer with part-time time. Now I’m not complaining, exactly. I have a wonderful … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Sarah Madison

Sarah Madison

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Sarah Madison, one of my Rainbow Con buddies. :). Thanks so much, Sarah, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Sarah Madison: I don’t know that I have a style! I’d probably be better off if I did. ☺ I’ve written in so many different genres: sci-fi, paranormal, mystery, historical, contemporary… I wish I could write a straightforward contemporary romance, but I always have to give … Read more

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The Weekly Fix: Re-Life Part One

Hey all, Today’s the day for The Weekly Fix. Every Thursday, I’ll add a new scene or chapter of a free story, until the whole thing is here on the blog – and then I’ll add it to its own page on the site. It’s a great way for you to test drive my writing, for free! We’re starting the second story today – a four-part short story I wrote about a man who wakes up in s strange place. It’s called “Re-Life”. Hope you like it! Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four The taxi … Read more

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Point of View: The Eight Deadly Phases of Writing

J. Scott Coatsworth

Almost every author goes through a certain set of phases when writing a new work, especially a longer work. Although the details may vary a bit from author to author, I think the broad strokes are probably the same. Here are my phases, gathered from my current work in progress, the Autumn Lands: Phase One – The New Journey This is the honeymoon phase. The story is fresh and new, and you know you’re gonna knock it out of the park. Surely you can get this thing done in days – a week at most. And you won’t need no … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Freddy MacKay

Freddy MacKay

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Freddy MacKay, one of the principals at Mischief Corner books and an amazing sci fi and fantasy writer. Thanks so much, Freddy, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Freddy MacKay: I am a writer of queer fiction. I dipped my toes in contemporary stories to start then dove into the pool with fantasy and science fiction—they are my first loves. JSC: What was your first … Read more

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Review: Lore & Logos, by Matthew P. Buscemi

Lore and Logos

I came to this book in kind of a round-about way. Matt is one of our newer folks in the Queer Sci Fi group, and he posted this one a few weeks ago on a Me Me Monday. The cover is soooo NOT sci fi – but there’s a reason for that – you’ll just have to read the Acknowledgement. We ended up talking a bit online, and he offered to send me a copy. Great, I thought, another eBook to throw on the stack. But Matt surprised me – he’s kind of old school, and really likes printed books … Read more

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Point of View: And Now for the Edits…

scitt pulling out hair

Hey all… I just wrapped up the first draft of my latest work, The Autumn Lands, on Saturday night. And boy is it rough. Not rough trade rough. Nothing as sexy as that. Just… rough. I can only blame myself. I started the story out with a general idea of where it was going, a theme for the anthology (“fall”), and a snippet of a story I wrote maybe twenty years ago that I decided would “work” for this project. But I didn’t sit down to do even a rudimentary outline. I’ve been trying to force myself to take this … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Angel Martinez

Angel Martinez

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Angel Martinez, an amazing writer of MM sci fi and fantasy. Angel is also my co-Admin on the Queer Sci Fi site and Facebook page. Thanks so much, Angel, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: How would you describe your writing style/genre? Angel Martinez: I write Science Fiction and Fantasy with LGBT protagonists – some of it serious and some of it comedic. But I’m one of those people who find humor … Read more