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I’m Liking Something Today…

Jay Brannan

Hey all… I just posted my monthly thing I like at the Mischief Corner Books blog: Today, gay singer Jay Brannan: Once a month, the giant Stuff We Like hand turns around and points to me, and I have to decide which of the many things I like is the one to get shared this time around. This week, I had NO IDEA what to write about. I’ve done Jelly Bellies, my distant relative Elizabeth Coatsworth, Robotech, and the Italian language. What’s left? Then, like a star from heaven, one of my favorite gay singers appeared in my inbox with … Read more

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Point of View: Taking Stock


Hey all, A couple weeks ago, I kinda hit rock bottom as a writer. Having just had three new stories release, I should have been on top of the world. But I had no time to write, and a number of things I thought would go really well in my writing plan had fizzled. I had dreams when I got back into writing. Big dreams. Each story/novella/novel I released would be bigger than the last. People would read my stories and be amazed, touched, moved to tears. And I would start to make a living at this whole writing thing, at … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Dale Cameron Lowry

Dale Cameron Lowry

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Dale Cameron Lowry – Dale Cameron Lowry had a jagged forehead scar before Harry Potter made it cool. When not busy fighting evil, Dale writes and edits queer romance and speculative fiction. Come to think of it, maybe those are ways of fighting evil too. Thanks so much, Dale, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and when did you discover that you were good … Read more

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It’s Here! “The Autumn Lands” on Audio

The Autumn Lands

Woo hoo – my dear friend Vance Bastian featured my novella “The Autumn Lands” on the Campfire Podcast: Jerrith is running. Kissed by an elf, he can’t remain in his hometown of Althos any more. Not that he wanted to stay. Caspian still hasn’t figured out why he kissed Jerrith, but he’s running too. Since he was exiled from the Autumn Lands, his past has been hazy, and his future uncertain. But when a stray memory brings things into focus, the two decide to run toward something together. What they uncover will change how they see the world, and themselves, … Read more

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Interview: Tim Parks

Tim Parks

Author and new friend of mine Tim Parks stopped by my blog for a special interview and book announcement. 🙂 Thanks so much, Tim, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you first start writing, and why? Tim Parks: I started writing stories when I was five. My mom would drive me to kindergarten class early, so I could write stories about Gumby and Pokey with my teacher Mrs. Treadwell looking on. I had an insatiable imagination and was always asking “what if?” Writing became an avenue for quenching that thirst, of creating scenarios that were primarily pop culture-based … Read more

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Point of View: Making Great Swag


OK, I have to admit it. A couple years ago, I had no idea what the hell “swag” was. Then I went to Rainbow Con, and created the first QSF swag – the incredibly tiny buttons – and I finally “got it”. But I still don’t know what makes for great swag – something that people want, something that will help sell your books and advance your brand. Oh, I know the formula: Find something intriguing that people will keep and cherish that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. And I know what doesn’t work. Believe me, I know. … Read more

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4.5 Stars for Myths Untold: Faery

Anne Barwell

Just got another great review for Myths Untold: Faery, which includes one of my stories: For the whole antho: I’d recommend Myths Untold: Faery to readers who like anthologies which share a common theme but tell very different stories. 4.5 out of 5 stars. For my story, Through the Veil: Through the Veil by J. Scott Coatsworth sucked me in with the first couple of paragraphs and didn’t let go until the end. The world building in this story is fabulous, and very easy to visualise. It paints a very grim picture of a dystopian future, but despite that there are good people, … Read more

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4.5 Stars for Flames from The Novel Approach

Novel Approach

The great folks at The Novel Approach just gave Flames and “A More Perfect Union” a great review: For AMPU: A More Perfect Union is an anthology by four authors who have lived through the turbulent times before and after the journey toward marriage equality for all. These are their stories, fictionalized yet personal, given to us to understand just how important the passing of the marriage equality law was for them. These are beautiful stories, each with the same message: love is love. For Flames: First, I love the way in which the story was presented. As Alex sat … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Rory Ni Coileain

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Rory Ni Coileain – my dear friend Rory is stopping by my blog today – I met her at Rainbow Con 2015, and am thrilled to have her here. Thanks so much, Rory, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: When did you know you wanted to write, and when did you discover that you were good at it? Rory Ni Coileain: The first original story I remember writing, I wrote when I … Read more

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Two More Stops on the “A More Perfect Union” Blog Tour

Andrew Q. Gordon

Today we’re stopping by two more stops for the AMPU tour: First off, my friend Andrew Q. Gordon is hosting me at his place: I just reached the end of a long journey, one that started in 1989, two years before I came out to my friends and family. That year, I attended my first gay wedding. It wasn’t so much a wedding, though, as a furtive ceremony between two gay men, held in a stand of bamboo at the Huntington Museum, surrounded protectively by three friends. Back then, the idea of two guys getting married was almost unthinkable. We … Read more