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Author Spotlight: Pat Henshaw

Pat Henshaw - Foothills Pride

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Pat Henshaw – Pat is practically my neighbor her in Sacramento, but we had to go all the way to Florida – to last year’s Dreamspinner Retreat – to meet in person. Now we see each other much more regularly, something for which I am thankful for. Thanks so much, Pat, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Tell me about a unique or quirky habit of yours. Pat Henshaw: This isn’t so much a habit … Read more

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More Skythane Reviews


The Skythane reviews continue to roll in: First off, Diane at Hearts on Fire: “This is a fantastic story – and the first in the Oberon series – which is good since the book ended with a couple of twists with the characters! …The story has elements of mystery, an action adventure story, multiple worlds and an unseen power that could be getting unstable even if many dismiss it as mere superstition. The characters are well written, with a story that starts out steady, but moves to a faster pace once all the parts and characters seem to be in … Read more

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Skythane Release Day – The First Reviews


Today’s the day! My first novel Skythane just hit the virtual shelves, and the release day reviews are rolling in. 🙂 First up, Jessie G: The world building alone is totally wow and if this isn’t the foundation for a series, I’d be hugely disappointed… The build-up and world building make it so that it gets better the further you delve into it. It’s not a book to skim lest you miss some important nugget that will either provide insight or be another twist to the saga. You’ll not only walk away satisfied, you’ll definitely be asking ‘when’s the next book … Read more

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Point of View: This is the Week


You know when you have a big event coming up, something that could redefine your entire life? I’m looking down the barrel of one of those right now. On Friday, my very first novel – Skythane – comes out from Dreamspinner Press. I’m also waiting for responses this month on my second novel and a novella. This could be when things really take off for me. Or… This could be a moment when nothing really changes. It’s a strange place to be in, this anticipatory time. Checking my author account to see how many pre-sales I have daily. Okay, twice a day. Okay, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Christopher Koehler

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Christopher Koehler – Christopher is one of my “neighbors” – he’s just two cities to the left, in Davis, and is part of our local Queer Sacramento Author’s Collective, so it’s with particular pleasure that I welcome him to the hot seat. Thanks so much, Christopher, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: What fantasy realm would you choose to live in and why? Christopher Koehler: Julian May’s Galactic Milieu, because so many … Read more

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Point of View: Waiting

waiting - Scott

It’s something every author has to learn to do – to wait gracefully for a response after submitting a story to a publisher. Right now, I’m waiting on two – one’s a stand-alone YA novella, and the other’s a sci fi novel that I hope will launch a new trilogy. I am calm. I am relaxed. I am TOTALLY FREAKING OUT AND WHY HAVEN’T THEY GOTTEN BACK TO ME DO THEY HATE ME AM I A HORRIBLE WRITER WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?’ *takes deep breath* I am calm. I am relaxed. As you become more experienced at your craft and … Read more

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Author Spotlight: C.P. Dunphey

C.P. Dunphey

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, C.P. Dunphey – C. P. Dunphey was born in Staten Island, New York. He grew up in Southern Mississippi and had an interest in writing since he was very young. In 2015, he founded his own publishing company, Gehenna Publishing House. His first novel, Plane Walker, was released in 2016. He hopes to further his writing as well as offer authors opportunities to be heard and read, his dream being that Gehenna … Read more

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Point of View: Building A New Site

Queeromance Ink

Last month, something extraordinary happened. And I don’t mean in the sense that it was something great. Quite the contrary – All Romance eBooks imploded in a sudden and unexpected four day event that started on December 27th, leaving many readers without access to their purchased books and authors with little to no royalties for three months of holiday sales. I was one of the lucky ones, but only because I have very low sales to begin with as a fairly new author. But some of our author friends got burned for thousands of dollars in the collapse. A few days … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Tim Parks

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Tim Parks – Ever since the age of five, Tim Parks knew that writing was in his blood, and began writing short stories, one of which was published when he was 12 in a children’s magazine. Thanks so much, Tim, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Tim Parks: Well for a while I wanted to be an astronaut. I … Read more

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Point of View: Getting Your Cover


Hey all, I’m so excited this week to be able to officially share my cover for my forthcoming first novel “Skythane”. I worked with the amazing Anne Caine on this cover, and am thrilled with the results. We did hit a brief rough patch when the graphics department flagged it for being to similar to an earlier book by another author, but we reworked it, and I think it’s even better than before. It combines a romance look with a great sci fi background. 😛 The book is available for preorder at DSP in eBook and paperback formats. So how has … Read more