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Milk and Cookies at the Lavender Library on 3/19


My local group, the Queer Sacramento Authors Collective, is hosting an event at the Lavender Library on Sunday, 3/19, from 5-7 PM. Nine local authors of queer fiction will be bringing milk and cookies and reading from their works (both published and in progress). Confirmed attending authors include: J. Scott Coatsworth Pat Henshaw Amy Lane S.A. “Baz” Collins Christopher Koehler DL Kent LE Franks Genevieve Wolfe The event starts at 5 PM on Sunday, 3/19 at the library at 1414 21st St in Midtown Sacramento – hope to see you there!

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Rory ni Coileain

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Rory Ni Coileain – Rory is one of my dearest queer romance writing friends – we met at Rainbow Con in 2015, and she’s been a sounding board, beta reader, and friend ever since. Thanks so much, Rory, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: If you could sit down with one other writer, living or dead, who would you choose, and what would you ask them? Rory Ni Coileain: So hard to … Read more

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Divine Magazine Loves Skythane


This just in… and wow. *cries a little* Debbie Attenborough at Divine Magazine just posted a great five star review of Skythane: “The story flows like a river, from its source, getting faster and faster, deeper and wider until…. well, until it reaches the sea! There is no massive info dump that you sometimes get in this sort of story, it comes in drips, so you can process each drip before you get the next one. Or in my case, many times through this book, you can pull a face at the kindle and ” say what now???” when you … Read more

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Another Great Skythane Review


More Skythane reviews are rolling in: The fantastic Molly Lolly loves Skythane, and also has a special extra scene I wrote just for her: “Oh man this book was good. I truly enjoyed the world Mr. Coatsworth created. There was so much world building that pulled me into the place and made me feel like I was there… The world built in this story is expansive. I completely got lost in all of the places, scenery, and problems facing everyone… THAT ENDING THOUGH! There was a definitive sense of hope at the end of the last chapter. You knew there was more … Read more

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Point of View: Some More Good News


It was a good week. Mostly. First of all, “Skythane” arrived at my doorstep in the form of a small box of print copies from Dreamspinner. I love opening boxes with my new books inside, and this one was extra special – my first novel. And the good reviews keep coming in. 🙂 Then came the next bit of good news. My novel “Liminal Sky” was just picked up for publication in October by DSP Publications.  “Liminal Sky” is an epic sci fi tale with a number of queer characters, about the launch of mankind’s first generation ship built to travel … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Bronwyn Heeley

Bronwyn Heeley

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Bronwyn Heeley stops by my hot seat! Thanks so much, Bronwyn, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Tell me one thing hardly anyone knows about you. Bronwyn Heeley: I fear heights, not really something I don’t mention, but I’m actually scared of manmade highs, I could stand on the edge of a cliff and not have a problem, but you put up a rail and I’m terrified. Elevators with glass….bridges… scaffolding… the … Read more

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More Skythane Reviews!


They just keep coming in. 😛 First off, from Alicia Nordwell: “I think the cover of Skythane (which is absolutely gorgeous) pretty much sets the stage for the story. There’s a strong fantasy element, sexy men, and a setting of space/alternate planets…. I loved the threads of similarity between Jameson and Xander. It comes out in vastly different ways, but they have so many of the same wants and needs. In the end, their growing relationship was my favorite part of the story, just edging out the wonderfully descriptive settings J. Scott Coatsworth created.” See the full review here. Boy Meets … Read more

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Another 4.75* Skythane Review


OK, the reviews keep rolling in. 🙂 This first one actually published on Friday, but I didn’t find it until this morning – from Teresa at Prism Book Alliance: “What an awesome start to a new series! I loved the world and its characters… Xander, Jameson, and Quince all have parts to play in this tale. It was great getting to know more about them. I loved seeing both Jameson and Xander grow as individuals… Although it is not listed as a series, the book ends with one chapter of the saga completed and a teaser for more. I can’t wait to … Read more

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Point of View: Through the Looking Glass

Looking Glass - Pixabay

A week ago, I was freaking out. My new book “Skythane” was about to come out, and a combination of a story rejection and a potential bad review had me pulling out my hair. After all, it’s not every week you celebrate your first novel, and it turns out that can come with a lot of stress. How a week can change things. The book released on Friday to a torrent of great reviews (thank you, one and all), and while it’s too soon to tell how sales will go, I’m in a whole better place this week than last. And … Read more

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Today in Skythane Reviews


A new 4.5 star rating from Mari at Bayou Book Junkie: “I like to read a little bit of everything, mix it up a bit, so to speak, historical, contemporary, even the occasional BDSM or MF book. However, Sci-Fi and fantasy are perhaps the ones I read the least, mostly because I can be a tad particular with them since it takes real talent to build worlds like you need to do in this genre. Scott Coatsworth did a fantastic job with that in this novel! He created a world that felt relatable and added just enough detail and description to … Read more