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Terry Poole

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Terry Poole – Terry makes her home between the two massive lakes that bisect Manitoba in central Canada. She’s always written in one form or another. Her very first book, at age five, consisted of stick figures drawn upon a roll of adding machine paper. When Terry isn’t writing (which isn’t often), she can be found crocheting, making handmade soap or hanging out on Facebook. Thanks so much, Terry, for joining me! … Read more

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Point of View: How I Build Worlds

world building - pixabay

Morning all! As I am knee-deep in fleshing out the world of Titania for “Lander”, the sequel to “Skythane”, I thought it would be fun to share how I create worlds, especially on the sci fi/fantasy side. I usually start with an overarching feature that makes the world interesting to me, and I hope to my readers as well. In Skythane, it’s the concept of a broken world – a half-sphere hanging against the inky blackness of space. In my forthcoming “The Stark Divide”, it’s a man-made cylindrical world that arches up all around the reader, almost claustrophobic in its embrace, … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Heather Rose Jones

Heather Rose Jones

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Heather Rose Jones – I first met Heather at RainbowCon 2015, and have been impressed by her intelligence, depth of knowledge and wit ever since. Thanks so much, Heather, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Heather Rose Jones: My first vocational ambition was to be a bird. My mother later wrote up a picture book story about that when … Read more

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REVIEW: Skythane – Rainbow Gold Reviews


One more review for Skythane – a great, in-depth one from Marc at Rainbow Gold: I can strongly recommend this book to all who love scifi, fantasy and romance. All three aspects are combined in a wonderful way and while it took me a bit to get into the story, it was worth it to wait until the book had drawn me in. Reading this book felt like traveling to a different planet – a place the author brought to life with beautiful and rich descriptions of a futuristic city with advanced technology and an alien wilderness with strange and … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Driftwood, or the Art of Writing a Sequel

driftwood - pixabay

I just embarked on a new first for me – writing a sequel. My novel Skythane came out in February, and the next one, Lander, is due out in February 2018. So I’m working through the new one now. And man, it’s hard! LOL… The Netflix effect has been in evidence now for a couple years in series fiction – the idea that the author should have the whole series ready to go when the first book launches, so they can release them quickly, one after another, to allow people to binge read the series and not have to wait too long for the next … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Tory Phoenix

Tory Phoenix

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Tory Phoenix. Thanks so much, Tory, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: If I were a Hollywood producer about to put your book on the big screen, who would you want me to cast as the leads? Tory Phoenix: Oh, now that is a fun question. Actually had a dream, or three, on this very subject, so actually pretty easy. Randy Orton from the WWE as Tory Phoenix. Johnny Galecki (plays Leonard … Read more

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Making Cookies for Tonight’s Milk and Cookies Reading Event!

milk cookies pixabay

  Making cookies for our milk and cookies night at the Lavender Library (1414 21st St – dammit I was close) in Sacramento tonight. come eat some cookies and hear a few readings by local authors at 5 pm! Event link: Posted by J. Scott Coatsworth on Sunday, March 19, 2017 How to share with just friends. Posted by Facebook on Friday, December 5, 2014 Making cookies for our milk and cookies night at the Lavender Library (1414 21st St – dammit I was close) in Sacramento tonight. If you’re in the Sacramento area, come eat some cookies and … Read more

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Time Labs Inc., by L.V. Lloyd

Time Labs Inc.

My friend L.V. Lloyd has a new sci fi anthology out: TimeLabs Inc is a collection of six science fiction short stories, all with a romantic theme. Sam and Zak take a Time Tour for their honeymoon, visiting some of the events through time which have captured their interest, including the very first Olympics. A five-star time machine for transport, luxury meals, fine wines—what could be more perfect? TimeLabs Inc. Tom loved his master, his job and the wonderful society he lived in—until one day, somebody hacked his tattoo and his world changed forever. Tattoo Kel meets his first alien … Read more

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Point of View: What I Like


Hey all, Thought I would do something a little different today – and share with you some of the things I like, so you can see what a weird – scratch that – fascinating person I really am. So here they are in no particular order: Trader Joe’s Ginger and Almond Cashew Granola: Because OMG this stuff is addicting. I have to be careful not to eat the whole box in one sitting. Seriously. This stuff is to die for. Robotech: Because I watched it in my formative years, but missed the two pivotal episodes that bridged series, and forever … Read more

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jo tannah

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Jo Tannah – I am a wife, mother and blogger by day, a writer by night. It can be difficult to say the least, but it is a challenge that keeps me on my toes. Thanks so much, Jo, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Were you a voracious reader as a child? Jo Tannah: Yes! OMG I had tons of books. Still do to this day, both physical and ebook formats. … Read more