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POINT OF VIEW: Death to TV Shows

Eli Stone

Hey all, Sadly, it’s true. I am death to any show that I really like. Sense8 was just cancelled, and yes, it is totally my fault. I am not your typical American TV consumer. I go for shows that are quirky, odd, eccentric and decidedly offbeat. And so I guess it should be no great surprise when those shows go off the air after a season or two. Every now and then, I get lucky, and one lasts for three or maybe four seasons. If you’re reading this post, odds are that you’re odd like me. So in the spirit … Read more

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Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, A.E. Ryecart – A E Ryecart writes mm romance/gay fiction. Filled with angst, high drama and emotional tension, she writes the books she likes to read. An avid people watcher, most of her writing takes place in a local café amidst the background hum of hissing coffee machines, where she can check out the other customers for character and story inspiration! Thanks so much, A.E., for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Describe … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Icky Part

J. Scott Coatsworth

Hey all, I’m at that part of the story on “Lander” that I always hit, about this far in. I’m probably three quarters finished, and all I can see is suck and ick. The writing sucks. The story is pedestrian. The threads of it are all over the place, and there’s NO WAY I am ever going to find a way to bring them altogether. It sucks. I suck. I am a horrible writer. Everyone’s going to find out. I will fail. Instead, I just sit back and laugh. You see, every one of us writers has this little internal critic. … Read more

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Xenia Melzer

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Xenia Melzer – Xenia Melzer is a mother of two who enjoys riding and running when she’s not writing stories. She doesn’t like beer but is easily tempted by a Virgin Mojito. Or chocolate. Truffles are especially cherished, even though she doesn’t discriminate. As a true chocoholic, she welcomes any kind of cocoa-based delight. Thanks so much, Xenia, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Do you have any strange writing habits or … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Writing the Blog Tour

Scott Millennium Falcon

Hey all, One of the things that comes with being an author is promoting your work. A new release comes out, and you have tell the world about it, so hopefully a few folks will want to give it a try. Nevermind that you’ve just read the bloody thing seventeen times in rough drafts and edits, and would sooner roll around in a bathtub full of fire ants than have to think about it or write about it again. You’re probably gonna have to do some kind of blog/review tour, and you’re gonna need to write some promotional blog posts. So… what … Read more

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Allen Renfro

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Allen Renfro – Allen Renfro is a native of Tennessee and a graduate of Tusculum College. A published poet and artist in the zine culture of the 1990s he considers himself a “fringe” artist who unabashedly tackles controversial subjects. Thanks so much, Allen, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Do you have any strange writing habits or superstitions? Allen Renfro: I’m not sure about strange but I definitely have rituals. I have … Read more

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Gone By the Board, by August Li

My friend August Li has a new MM urban fantasy book out: The sea is full of jealously guarded secrets, but everything washes up eventually…. Betrayed by a trusted partner, Nathan figures he might as well be lost and heartbroken in the sunshine, and he heads to the coast of South Carolina, to stay with a friend and find a new direction for his life. But despite his efforts, he is lost in the fog, unable to find a guiding light and sometimes unable to find a reason to go on. His only respite from depression and anxiety is the … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: What Makes It All Worth It

light into the world pixabay

Hey all, Sometimes we touch lives in ways that we never anticipated, and in ways that rebound back to us and remind us why we do this whole author thing in the first place. Last year, for the first time, I had someone come up to me at a trade show and tell me how much he had loved one of my stories. Since then, that wonderful thing been repeated a number of times, and every time it makes my little author heart sing. But this morning I woke up to the best one of all. Stefan, a friend of … Read more

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Kayla Bashe

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Kayla Bashe – Kayla Bashe is a binational lesbian currently attending Sarah Lawrence College. Her poetry has appeared in Strange Horizons, Liminality Magazine, and various zines, and her short fiction has appeared in the Outliers of Science Fiction anthology, as well as Solarpunk Press, Mirror Dance edited by Megan Arkenberg, and The Future Fire. Thanks so much, Kayla, for joining me! Giveaway Kayla is giving away an ebook copy of her book … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Remembering to Shower

man shower - pixabay

If you’re a writer and you’re anything like me, well, first of all, I’m sorry. You probably have a day job or three (commonly known as the Evil Day Job, or EDJ) and you madly scramble for bits of time to write, edit, feed your Facebook and Twitter accounts, plot out your next novel, network and self promote. But you may be missing a few key things in your life. Things your significant other might have noticed too – the reason they wrinkle their nose every time you walk into the room. So I thought I’d step in to help. Print … Read more