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POINT OF VIEW: Summer Cold

summer cold - scott

Okay, so I just got back from the long-planned family reunion in Flagstaff. It was fantastic, and we took a couple extra days to explore Flagstaff and Sedona. I planned to hit the ground writing-wise and work-wise as soon as we got home. Then things went wrong. Comcast, our internet provider, was down all morning Thursday and all morning Friday. That sucked, but hey, I figured I could live with it. We de-camped and went to Starbucks for wifi. Then Friday night, it hit me like a ton of bricks. The dreaded Summer Cold. It’s a thing that shouldn’t exist. I mean, … Read more

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Bill Kieffer

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Bill Kieffer – Bill Kieffer was born in Jersey City, NJ. He never fully recovered. Thanks so much, Bill, for joining me! Giveaway I’d like to offer up a signed copy of the Goat in the USA. It’s a m/m novel about magic and abuse, so adults in the USA only. J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Bill Kieffer: I wanted to … Read more

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REVIEW: Skythane


One more review for Skythane – a great surprise from Anonymouse at Crystal’s Many Reviewers: For my first F3 – Just got a surprise feview for Skythane and it’s fantastic… I happened upon Skythane during one of Dreamspinner Press’s 99 cent book sales. I love M/M and Sci-Fi, so I snatched it up. How many ways can I say I loved this book?…. I can’t really talk about the bits and pieces since I don’t want to give anything away, but I loved this book. And can’t wait for the sequel. If I could give it more than 5 stars … Read more

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Point of View: Getting Creative When I’m Squished in the Middle

Scott GRL prep

Hey all, It’s been an interesting week. I’m in a cabin (well, technically in the B&B looking out at the cabins) at our first bi-annual Coatsworth family reunion. It’s all but over now – officially it will end with breakfast this morning. It’s been a great weekend. But… I’m on serious deadline to finish the second draft of Lander and get it off for beta. So I’m getting creative, working on my iPad in stolen moments between reunion events, and totally burning the candle at both ends. I’m so fricking close… So I’m curious. When you find yourself on deadline … Read more

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Jaylee James

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Jaylee James – Jaylee is a demi-bisexual, bigender writer and editor from Kansas City with bright blue hair. When not writing, e spends far too much time on twitter (@thewritingj) and cuddling er dogs. More of er work can be found at Thanks so much, Jaylee, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: Were you a voracious reader as a child? Jaylee James: Obnoxiously so. I would get a stack of 10-15 … Read more

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NEW REVIEWS: The Great North

“The Great North” is out, and the reviews are continuing to roll in: Review Blog: MM Good Book Reviews Reviewer: PixieJ. Scott Coatsworth has worked his magic again with the way that his words turn into visions in your mind, his world building is exceptional, dragging you into a scenes that have a simple old world feel to them. I will admit you can easily forget that there was a society with advanced technology that was wiped out until circumstances remind you; it’s quite a powerful bit of world building. Dwyn & Mael’s relationship is kinda insta-love, but to be … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Dealing With Religion

Gay Men's Chorus

My grandfather was a minister. Not a hard-liner – more of what I always called a middle of the road Christian, part of the “Disciples of Christ” church. When I came out to him, he told me a story about a woman who wanted all the gays thrown out of church, and how he turned it around on her and asked how she would feel if she was the only straight person there. Growing up, I attended the Methodist Church, and again, it was fairly gay friendly. My mom took me to a sex ed class there, and they gave … Read more

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C.C. Bridges

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, C.C. Bridges – CC Bridges is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. When she’s not busy solving puzzles in an escape room, she can be found diving into comics or binge-watching superhero movies. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, and a long-suffering husband in the state of New Jersey. In 2011, she won a Rainbow Award for … Read more

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NEW REVIEWS: The Great North

“The Great North” is out, and the reviews are continuing to roll in: Review Blog: A.M. Leibowitz Reviewer: A.M. LeibowitzThe reason I agreed to review this is that the author is outstanding at world-building. Everything is flawless. It’s not hard to understand the context, right from the beginning, and there are no long, dull expository passages. The cues are built right into the narrative. I also love the way fantasy, science fiction, and dystopia are seamlessly integrated. The writing style reminds me of Madeleine L’Engle in that regard. This story in particular has, for me, some of the same emotional similarities … Read more