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Patient Lee

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Patient Lee – I work full-time and have a husband, and three children. I write when I can, sometimes balancing the laptop on my knees and a cat on my chest. I enjoy my seasonal camp site that overlooks a beautiful creek in the mountains. In the summer, I spend many hours at a folding table under a canopy, writing and sipping chardonnay or a super-hoppy IPA. Thanks so much, Patient, for joining … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: The Darkness in Our Midst

Darkness - pixabay

Hey all, This has been a crazy week. My husband Mark and I run our own business creating directories for the queer community, which in turn means we get our own health care coverage on the individual market. On Friday morning, we watched in abject fear as the US government came *this close* to taking a step which, according to the Congressional Budget Office, would have increased our monthly payments by 20% a year for each of the next eight years. Despite the two GOP women who stood against the bill and John McCain’s last minute vote, we’re by no … Read more

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Amy Hoff

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Amy Hoff – Amy Hoff is a writer, director, and folklorist specializing in monsters. She spent over a decade on the American road, living out of cars and cheap motels. Her novel, Caledonia, is a combination of Scottish monster folklore and the everyday realities of life in Glasgow, Scotland.. Thanks so much, Amy, for joining me! J. Scott Coatsworth: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? … Read more

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REVIEW: The Great North – 4.5 Stars

Blog Header The Great North

Another great review for “The Great North“: Review Blog: Joyfully Jay Reviewer: Veronica I really loved this tasty fantasy. There’s a bit of the supernatural here, between the Old Ones making their wishes known and Dwyn’s visions of life at time of the nuclear holocaust. It was interesting and haunting, the small snatches of our culture superimposed on this desperate landscape. I found myself charmed by the colloquialisms that survived 300 years of “Telephone” in this new oral-history society. Dwyn and Mael are sweet and kind men who forge a new path that meshes with the indigenous cultures of yore, … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: A New Horizon

New Horizons - pixabay

Hey all… In about two and a half months, my new book “The Stark Divide” will be released from DSP Publications. It’s NOT A ROMANCE. (Angel is snickering somewhere over this). Publishing a non-romancey sci fi tale is a departure for me in one way, and in another it’s not at all. We’ll get back to that in a moment. The challenge now? Everything I’ve built to market myself and all the contacts I’ve made have been geared to market my romance work. Sure, most of my romance tales are also sci fi or fantasy or magical realism. But I’ve … Read more

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Anne Barwell

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Anne Barwell – Anne Barwell lives in Wellington, New Zealand. She shares her home with two cats who are convinced that the house is run to suit them; this is an ongoing “discussion,” and to date it appears as though the cats may be winning. Thanks so much, Anne, for joining me! Giveaway Comment on this post for a chance to win an ebook copy of Cat’s Quill, book 1 of Anne’s Hidden … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: Too Many Projects


I did it to myself. I set off on two series at the same time, and now I’m bouncing between them like that little ball in Pong. You know, when it gets going really really fast? OK, so I’m probably dating myself with that reference, child of the eighties and all. LOL… Anyhow, I am neck-deep in final beta edits on Lander, the sequel to Skythane which came out in February – if all goes well, it will be out in February 2018, followed by Ithani in February 2019. I’m simultaneously starting on book two of my Liminal Sky series, … Read more

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POINT OF VIEW: What the Hell is a GRL?


I tell folks all the time that I’m going to GRL. Inevitably, they ask “What’s a GRL”? Of course, we all know it stands for Gay Romance Literature, or GayRomLit. But that’s not the only thing it means. So I thought I’d provide the definitive guide to some of the other GRL’s out there: Guns, Rednecks and Leather: The premier southern BDSM club for boys who like hominy, grits, and semi-automatic weapons. Held every Fourth of July in Birmingham, Alabama. Bring your own whips. Girl Scouts Running Liquor: A branch of the scouts smuggling booze in the dry state of Utah. … Read more

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REVIEW: The Great North

Another great review for “The Great North“: Review Blog: Drops of Ink Reviewer: Anne BarwellOne of the things I love about J Scott Coatsworth’s writing is his world building. The Great North didn’t disappoint… I became invested in the characters very quickly. Both Dwyn and Mael are likeable characters, and I liked how the author developed the supporting cast. It would have been very easy to have some of them follow a stereotypical path, but instead the author took another direction with a lovely curve ball I wasn’t expecting. I love MM fiction with strong women characters. Full Review: Buy Links … Read more

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Jessie G.

Welcome to my weekly Author Spotlight. I’ve asked a bunch of my author friends to answer a set of interview questions, and to share their latest work. Today, Jessie G. – Like many readers, the dream of being a writer has been with me a long time. After three decades of trying, I’d begun to doubt. Thanks to social media, I followed my favorite authors hoping to glean some words of wisdom as I pounded out half-formed ideas with alarming regularity. Two repetitive themes emerged: to be a great writer you must read a lot and your butt must be … Read more